Montana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Montana State University know before they start?


If I could only go back with the wisdom I have now to impart upon my younger self. The mysteries that I have uncovered, the experiences I?ve had told me one thing. Follow your dreams. True happiness isn?t found through ascribing to an agenda made by someone else; true happiness is found in your own passion. Surround yourself with what you love, and involve yourself in this world. It is in the colors of this world that I discovered mine. To draw, paint, sketch? to create something greater than yourself. Once that passion is discovered, embrace it. To meet like-minded individuals will only help to foster growth in your passion. Continue to embrace your passion, use it to your advantage, and never doubt yourself. Open your eyes, smell the flowers, travel the world. Never give up on what you love, you?ll be happier. Put your goals on happiness over everything, life is to short to spend miserable. Above all else, commit yourself to something and through that allow your life to become rich with experiences and relationships. That is what I would tell myself.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself two things; if something doesnt feel right with your major or your social activities then change it right away, and be very positive and social on the very first day of college. If I would have gone with my gut after the first semester of college, I would have saved myself many nights of worrying and confusion due to the difficulty of my engineering major. I always had a gut feeling that I should be doing something else but I chose to ignore that feeling and wait another whole year before I finally changed majors to the one I love. My second comment to myself about being more social and confident would have helped me tramendously in making more friends and being an overall happier person. Now I'm not saying I'm an unhappy person, but if I would have been more outgoing during my first couple weeks at college I think I would feel a lot more cofident about my future and the life I'm living. Overalll i love my college and college life.


Dear Alli, High school is almost ending and you need to make your plans for college more clear. It's okay to not know what career you want to find yourself in yet, just find yourself in college first. It's also not too late to fill out financial aid forms. Someone out there would love to help you get a college education, you just have to look for them. When your scheduling your classes don't overwhelm yourself. It is only going to be your first semester, take it kind of easy and get the feel for everything. Your Friend, Yourself P.S. You'll make a great teacher.


Please be prepared for what the future holds. It may change dramatically from you expect. If you are flexible and get a sound education, you can be prepared for whatever comes your way over time.


I actually have lots of food allergies (I'm a lactose intolerant celiac), so the best advice I would have given myself would be to make better contact with the Housing Dietician. I know we have one now, but I never talked with her about how I could work around the food options on campus or maybe work out a more flexible food plan (MSU has terrible food options for students). I would also tell myself to research more scholarship options on the school website, because there are many out there that I wasn't aware of when I was a high school senior or even a college freshman.


If I could go back and time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would offer myself not only great advice but vast opportunities. As a high school senior, I had my heart set on a single, highly elite college in southern Missouri. Unfortunately, I did not apply to any other colleges simply because I had my heart set on this college. When I received the admissions letter and saw that I was on the waiting list and had not been admitted, I was devastated. I had no backup plan and it was too late to apply to Montana State University. Consequently, I was stuck at a local community college for a year sharing math problems with classmates the age of my mother, until I could attend Montana State University the following term. I would have told myself to apply to at least two in state colleges and two out of state colleges. There is so much opportunity for high school seniors to grasp. Being able to choose which college to attend is a privilege; take full advantage of it.


If I could go back in time and prepare myself for upcoming years I would say enjoy life; stop rushing. I would say enjoy every moment that you can with Mom and Dad; talk with them and ask how their day was. Also make dates with your brothers to go out to eat or to the movies. Have fun with them; they grow up so fast you soon will have to look up to them. Most of all I would tell myself to be happy. Get a postive outlook on life and don't let things bring you down. Enjoy life; you are young and need to brighten peoples day. I would say that over and over. Another thing I would emphasize is take that postive outlook and meet new people! Surround yourself with fun, energetic friends and make as many as possible. I would also warn myself that college is harder and to just try your best. You will succeed.


Apply more for scholarships. College is expensive and you shouldn?t put that off.


The advice I would give myself is that I need to study as much as I can. It is not as hard as everyone thinks that it is going to be. If you put your mind to something you can do it. Just pick something that you love to do and stick with that. Also remember, college is totally different than what people make it out to be. It is a time to learn new things, No goofing off should be done. Yes you could get laughed at by keeping your nose in a book, but whatever you need to do to get the studying done, do it. I have learned what kind of skills are needed to be a good study techinque for me.


If i could go back to being a high school senior I would have focused more on preparing for college than I did. I would have applied for ever scholarship instead of thinking everything would take care of itself. Other than that I think I made wise choices being a high school senior. I was school president, class president, president of the prom commitee and i attended part time college while raising my son. I think I surpassed expectations as a high school senior so I am definently more proud than upset of myself.