Look at all aspects the school has to offer. Don't just pick a school based on sports availability or location, such as near great skiing. Look for a school that will be a good fit for who you are in both academic and extracurricular interest. Although large colleges may have a lot to offer as far as clubs and majors, you may not get a very personal connection with your professors or other students. Try not to let money stand in the way of attending a college you really want to attend. You will not be satisfied if you go to a less expensive school that does not have the capabilities to fulfill the experiences you wish to have in college. Also, take advantage of opportunities that will enrich your life in general such as volunteer work or studying abroad.
Find a place where you would like to live as first priority and then worry about things like academics.
College is an amazing time in a young adult's life. In college we are exposed to new ideas, and ways of thinking that have a dramatic impact on who we become in our adult lives. It is important to really do your homework and find the right college enviornment that will nurture your learning not only in the classroom, but out of class as well.
Go where your heart takes you. I go to school in the most beautiful city in the U.S. (Bozeman, MT), and I could not be happier with my choice of schools. I am studying what I've always wanted to study, and even though it won't make me rich, I am incredibly content. Live in a'll meet your lifelong friends. Get involved in campus organizations. My organization is bible study, and I've made some great friends through it. Study hard, but don't forget to get out and live a little. The opposite is also true. Find the balance between study and fun, and you will have a rewarding college experience.
The college experience is one of the most amazing, influential and educational experiences you will ever have the chance to go through. Its hard choosing the right college when you do not know what you want to major in. MY best advice for choosing a college would have to be listen to your heart. Do not go somewhere just because your parents went there or thats where all your friends are going. FIrst of all, if you are around people you already know all the time, you will not get to experience the beauty of independence. Also, you're more likely to maybe socialize more than your schedule really permits, and end up getting behind on your classes. I think college should be a new and personal experience for everyone to be able to find themselves and what they love. Go somewhere that mesmerizes you and you feel like is a good place to be for your mind and your education. Always listen to your gut and your heart.
Always approach it with a postive attitude. Get everything you can out of every expierance. You'll do great.
I think it's important to look at the size of the school and the culture of the school. In smaller schools, you will be able to receive more help from professors. The culture is also important at a school. It's important to make sure that you are not constantly struggling to fit in with the campus. Finding a school with a culture that fits your personality helps to ensure that you have the tools to succeed at that school.
Go wherever you want and study what you want. Do not get stuck in a major you do not completely enjoy.
Know your general life plans and goals. In my case, I knew that my career would take me to Los Angeles and the movie industry. So I opted to try something different before I ended up in California for the rest of my life. I could have gone straight to LA in order to jump right into the industry, but then I would never have the chance to experience someplace else. I chose to go to a small school, because I came from a big city. I chose to live in a colder climate, because I came from the desert. And I chose to experience a culturally different life, since I came from a very disctinctive culture in Las Vegas. It's all about going out into the world and trying something new and exciting, while at the same time choosing a school that will keep you academically interested and socially happy. In order to make the most of your college experience you need to appreciate it for what it is and enjoy where you are at the moment. It's great to consider and plan for your future, but don't forget to have fun in the present too.
I would tell students and parents not to settle. Don't disregard out of state colleges because of the price. Follow your heart and dreams and choose the school that would best help you achieve those dreams. To get the most out of a college experience make new friends. Talk to a new person every day. Having that social network is great when you are far from home. However, don't let your social life interfere and negatively affect your academics. It is important to find the perfect balance between both.