Montana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Montana State University know before they start?


Take the time to choose a school that fits you and your personality as well as what you want from a school. What the reasons for you going are. Would you rather a big school or smaller, also keep in mind that you do not need a major pick a school. Most students changes majors a few times before they finially find one to stick with. Be aware of your academic profile and whether it matches the school you are looking at or not. Also can you afford the school, there are tons of scholarships you can apply for, just have to spend the time looking. Get in touch with a student with similar intrests as you. Look at what the community the school is in has to offer, clubs, concerts, museums....etc. It also helps to look at college websites and the campus itself. Sit in on a class, eat in the dining hall, hang around where many other students do, talk to them and ask if they would still pick this school had they another chance. Consider all options.


choose the school that best fits you


That college is another big step of life, but its not everything in life. So do concentrate on school work and your responsibilities but never forget to make new friends and have fun. It doesnt matter if you were a jock, athletic, or a loser in high school. College let you be who ever you want to be. If your not happy with who you were in high school, find yourself, change, and BE that person that you think is cool.


Listen to the wants and desires of your child. When I was choosing schools, my parents really wanted me to stay in-state, but I strongly pushed to go out of state and it paid off. My parents realized that I love where I go to school, and there was no changing that. Students know what they want, listen to them, it's their education.


Find out who you want to be, and then stick to that no matter what.


Make sure that you follow your gut. Go to a school that "feels" right. Don't go to one just because it has great standards or acedemics. Make friends early on, study hard, and keep a positive outlook, even when the chips are down. Most of all, have fun!