Montana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Montana State University know before they start?


So far in my college experience I have gained valuble knowledge from both wise and passionate instructors. However, more than that I have gained independence and many skills that will benefit me throughout my life. I have learned valuble study and research techniques that will no doubt be useful to me in my future career as a teacher. I have also learned to motivate myself and my piers to excel. My college experience has taught me to think more critically and explore ideas beneficial to my own personal growth and development. However, I have also discovered that it is okay to make mistakes and that there is no need in sweating over the little things. One poor grade, rather than causing undue stress, should instead be used to movtivate you to study harder or modify your study technique. College has been an incredibly valuble experience to me, providing me with skills and techniques that I can use throughout my life and my career. The knowdedge that I have gained can even be passed along to my future students so that they might be prepared for the same amazing college experience that I have had thus far.


Network, the biggest thing that i have gotten from my one semester of attending MSU is a network that covers all over the country from the West to the East people say that one of your greatest assests is your network and the way you network and i believe its true.


I have obtained alot out of this college experience. I have encountered many oppurtunities that were otherwise closed to me. The other students and professors are immensely helpful and friendly. There are various clubs and groups that an individual can become involved in also.


My collee experience has only just begun, and I feel as though I've experienced more in under a month here than I did in all four years of highschool back home. I've gained tons of self confidence, built stron healthy and genuine relationships with peers, and I feel like I have more close friends in school today than I ever did before I came to college. I've had more opportunities to succeed here than ever before, and people around me truely care about me. I've also learned tons of things outside of scholastic learning that I never knew before. I feel like this experience is one of the most important, and valuable experiences I've ever had the fortune of foregoing. I know that after school here, I will, not only feel more confident in myself, but I will also be much better prepaired and equiped for success in the "real world".


I love meeting new people and testing my knowledge, so that someday it will come in handy and I will get far with my goals. I think its one more precious time you have with friends before you have to start being a full time adult. Some may have to be an adult in college, but I think all of us know the difference between a college student and a full time working adult.


My academic background was enough to propel me into college , and now with so many potential avenues I'm filled with curiosity that will keep me there. My college experience has proven that I can work and live independently. Financially things are tight, but I've worked multiple jobs during the academic terms and in the summer because I'm motivated to stay in college. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and befriending like-minded people in an abundance that could never be matched in my hometown. I feel like I belong there. I applied, and got accepted, into teh Residence Hall Association. They believe I can lead and nurture the next round of students. Just ahead of me lie advanced classes and research opportunities that certainly add to the intrigue. Academically, I remained an honor roll student during both semesters and held onto the scholarships I had competed for so intently back in high school. I have to believe future employers will see that I have the maturity and stability to contribute and lead. I will succeed.


There have been two aspects to my overall college experience. One of these includes my social life. I went to college to further my education, and while achieving this goal I met the love of my life and also my best friend. Along with a great social life, I have learned enough to help me take the MCATS with confidence, as my professors all taught with interesting techniques which spoke to me. Even in those particular subjects I always dreaded to take, the professors helped to get me through with excellent grades, as they made the material interesting. Without attending Montana State University in Bozeman, I may not be in the situation I am right now. Going to college has helped me meet new people who have had a large impact on my life, and it has also helped me to become one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming a surgeon. This university will help me to be accepted and prepared in order for me to achieve the last step on my goal list, medical school.


My college experience has been great at South Plains College this past year. This College is very supporitive as are the proffessors. I have completed almost all of my college hours online this past year. South Plains College is just fantastic they do an outstanding job with the students.


Somewhere in the time that I have attented college, my tendencies have shifted to think more critically and create in ways that are influential to everyone around me. My propensity has changed from living in ways of procrastination and inaction, to making decisions swiftly and rationally. My disposition is to always, and has always been, to do good for people; in many ways college was, for me, the inception stage for learning to bolster that way of living. Perhaps in the near future, I will be able to use the things I've gained from college in big ways, not because I share the same dreams of grand tendencies that so many young people my age do, but because my general goals in life are propelled by the ideal that I live to help people, right things that are wrong and support general welfare.


It's been great.