Montana State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have know how much the greek system is not accepted at this school, because I am part of the greek system, and greek students make up around ninety percent of the student administration but we are still not accepted for being part of the greek system.


Nothing I knew everything


That I am responsible for myself and that I need to take advantage of my personal ability and the resources given to me by campus and the surrounding community.


I wish I would have known what field I was interested in,, and picked a major before my sophmore year.


The difficulty of finding good duck hunting locations.


How much work College is compared to highschool


I wish I would have known all of the actual costs that I am paying for. Some things I am paying for, I had no idea that I needed too. I also wish their financial aid gave away more money so that I could afford college easier.


what i really wanted to go into, and if there were more scholarships available


Where to go for certain advising. Some of the advisors did not seem to be knowledgable in areas outside their field or even where to get the advising.


You have to do homework in order to get a good grade (duh).