Moore College of Art and Design Top Questions

What should every freshman at Moore College of Art and Design know before they start?


I would tell myself to follow my dreams and work hard in school- that is will pay off in the long run and you will feel good about yourself and your life choices.


I would go back and tell myself that I should to develop better study patterns so that I could study better. Also, I would tell myself that I should get more involved in volunteering and extra curricular activities. And last but not least, I would tell myself to take my time and think more about the major I wanted to get into because in high school I thought I wanted to get into Fashion Design and about 3 yrs later, I realized how much I wanted to get into Jewelry Design.


At this point in my college career, I have been through three different institutions trying to find the right fit. I went to Drexel University and had to leave for monetary reasons, then had to go to Community College of Philadelphia for the past semester to make up credits so that I could go to Moore. When I was a high school senior, I had Moore at my fingertips, but decided to go to Drexel instead because I received their acceptance letter first. Being new to the whole college thing with my mother, who had not gone to college and knew about as much as I did, helping me out, I figured that I should just take what I had instead of waiting to hear from Moore. If I could tell myself anything, it would be to be patient and to think things through rather than rushing into a college I should have known wasn't right for me.