Moore College of Art and Design Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Moore College of Art and Design?


The most frustrating thing about my school is the cost. I am an older woman, 68 years of age, living on Soc. Sec. along with some additional financial assistance for everyday living from my life-partner. It costs around $6000 to take 2 courses per semester. I have taken on loans, but at my age & based on my income, loans are not very practical for me. I need help pay for my education. I love Art History & Fine Arts. It's always been my dream to graduate from Moore College of Art and Design with a bachelor's degree.


My school is really, wonderful, but getting financial aid can be difficult


The students and some professors can be very stubborn and very rude. But overall I learned to ignore people who have such negative vibes and energy.


The curriculum is very rigorous, and therefore very challenging, which is good if you want or need a challenge.