Morehead State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Morehead State University?


If you are looking diversity, it's not here. In the last two years that I have been they have made an effort to improve it, but it seems to be a losing battle. Also, if you're looking for a campus that is exciting on the weekend and on the weekday, then go somewhere else. Campus groups host many fun events during the week, but people tend to live close by and this wound be considered a suitcase college. Students tend to live on the weekends unless there is something really big going on or an athletic event.


You have to be ablt to adapt to the country lifesyle very easy. You should have an idea of what you want before you com. if not you will feel like you are running in constant circle. which gets you no where. you shoudl also be ready for the peer pressure. what ever you had in high school times it by 10 at least. You should get your self ready for tons of homework. each professor gives homework as if they are the only professor that will give you homeowork.


Everyone! Especially students who are not sure about there major or people who do not like to sit in big classes.


The type of person who should attend this school is the type of person who is willing to work towards a degree to their career. Anyone who enjoys small classrooms, one-on-one help with the professors, and a close group of friends. This school is perfect for students who are outgoing, determined, and responsible.


If you like to make your own fun, make your own friends, or join a fraternity/sorority, this is the school for you.


person that like to be in a smaller enviorment