Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Mount Aloysius College? Is this stereotype accurate?


Mount Aloysius College is a private college, which means that the tuition is a bit higher than average colleges or universities. The stereotype is that everyone comes from a wealthy background and can afford it. That is not the case at all. Approximately 90 percent of our students receive some sort of financial aid. Also, there are grants and scholarships one can apply for to help fund their years at Mount. I myself use loans, scholarships, and financial aid to help pay for college.


There is not a sterotype at Mount Aloysius!


There is not a sterotype at Mount Aloysius!


I do not think there is a stereotype of students at our school. We are a Catholic school and some might think we push this onto our students to be Catholic as well, but this is not the case at all. Everyone is free to practice their own faith.


The stereotype of the students at this college is that all are friendly and welcoming. This is definitely true. I came here not knowing a single person and in a matter of a few days I already had many friends.


There is a variety of different types at our school. Of course we have the jocks who get their way, the perfect students that learning just seems to come naturally to them, the students who are just here because parents tell them it is what to do, and the complete bums who won't make it to next semester, but the majority of the students here are like me. We are hard working in our classes because we want to succeed while at the same time enjoying social lives with new friends that we meet.


Mount Aloysius College seems to be one of the few schools that doesn't really have stereotypes. Everyone of course is going to have their own little group of friends, but I have been on this campus for three years, and I don't feel like I belong to a certain stereotype. I don't feel that our students label each other as much here. We're all one big group of friends :)


This is not accurate. Mount Aloysius may be a private school, but they offer many forms of financial aid that makes it very affordable. There are also many denominations here on campus. Being Catholic isn't a requirement, and you do not have to attend mass.


As cliche as it sounds, MAC has a lot of students that are more than willing to spend time tutoring fellow students, getting together for study groups, and volunteer with Campus Ministry activities. It's really sweet the many people, even the president, will hold doors open for everyone!


There is no one stereotype at Mount Aloysius College. There is a great variety of people here and it's easy to find friends.