The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Mount Aloysius College is 58%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
First consider your personality, values, goals, and career interests. Start by investigating schools that seem to fit your personality: whether you like sports, large class sizes, or technologically advanced equipment. Visit the schools that interest you the most, talk to current students and alumni as well as advisors, professors, and admission staff. Ask questions! You can never go wrong by asking questions, and if you think of them later always give the school a call or email. Picking a school is much like picking out a new outfit. When you get the right one it just feels right! Please also consider this is an investment for your future, dont base your choices soley on the wild social atmosphere or that your friends from high school are attending there. Take it seriously, take a breath , relax, and go for your dreams.
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are al very intelligent and determined to succeed.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The most popular student organizations on campus are the Men's Basketball team and baseball team. Everybody loves to go watch the basketball games in the winter.. The gym is always full during every home game and the school shows tremendous pride for the mounties.
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What are the academics like at your school?
The academics at Mount Aloysius are very good because the class sizes are very small and this allows your professor to know you by name and get to work with you one on one. Another great thing is that the professors always have there office doors open and encourage you to go see them if you are having trouble with anything.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Just like any other school, you have the typical stereotypes of jock, geeks, etc., but most of them jsut blend together. They are not all seperated like some places. No on ever really fits one specific stereotype.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
My overall opinion of Mount Aloysius College is it is a great school with a very small tight knit atmosphere unlike any other school you could attend. Everybody knows your name at Mount Aloysius you are not going to get lost in the shuffle as a student.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Great For Most People, Just Not Me.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best aspect of my school is the different classes one can take. I love the major I have chosen and love the diverse classes I take. I feel we can discuss anything in these classes, and that is something I feel all college students have a right to. College is very much different than high school, not as conservative and strict on the things students can learn in the classroom as well as out. I also enjoy the professors I have, and how focused they are on their careers and making a difference in the lives of students.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Small town setting and Catholic background, and baseball
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
This school focuses on academic success. There is rarely any parties, if ever. The college is made up of traditional students, and about just as many non-traditional students. The campus is a great choice for those with children. There is even a daycare on campus.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
There is one thing that I don't like about the school, and that is Mount Aloysius is located on top of a mountain. In the winter time, it is a whole other world on campus. No matter how much snow is falling at the time, they never cancel classes and I live 45 minutes away and can't make it up the mountain at times due to the weather.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
I have met a lot of people since I became a college student here at Mount Aloysius College and I believe that there really isn't one specific kind of person here. There is a large variety of people here and I would encourage anyone to go here if they are looking for a school with a small campus and small class sizes.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The seats in the classrooms. Old fashioned desk. Would rather see tables and chairs.
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What are your classes like?
Don't want to sit in lecture hall with 150 strangers listening to someone lecture on material that's not even on the test? Mount Aloysius had a 14:1 student to faculty ratio, and most classes have under 25 students enrolled per semester. Professors and students are usually on a first-name basis, and it's easy to catch up on notes and ask your professor for extra help outside of the classroom. If you show initiative and effort, you will succeed. Warning: professors take attendance and it does affect your grade! But, that shouldn't be a problem for students that take studies seriously. If you're paying for it, you might as well endure it!
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Describe the dorms.
It's important to get that college dorm experience your freshman year. The Mount offers a variety of dorms to residents, however space is very limited! I live in a single room in a dorm located in the main building. A couple of our other dorms have 2 person rooms with shared bathrooms, and one dorm is an apartment suite style living space with 2 bedrooms and 4 people sharing a bathroom, common living space and kitchenette. The Mount can house around 500 students, and the rest of the 2,000 students commute.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
We have a large number of sports to choose from year round. MAC has indoor women's volleyball, men and women's basketball, baseball, softball, cross country, and tennis. Basketball is the big thing right now. Our teams are doing awesome! Lots of people come to support. It really shows how much pride our school has :)
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Tell us about your professors.
At Mount Aloysius, the vast majority of our professors have worked in the field that they teach, get to know their students on a first name basis, and will bend over backwards to help those who put forth effort in their studies. They all have their own distinctive quirks and are super friendly.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
The library hours are almost nonexistent, the cafeteria food is always fried food and makes most students sick, and the weather - it snows from October through May.
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What's the dating scene like?
I personally met my fiancee here at The Mount. Everyone here gets to know each other well and we're all close-knit.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I primarily chose Mount Aloysius College because it is one of the few schools in Pennsylvania that offers a Bachelor's in Radiology. The school itself is beautiful though, I think after visiting it for the first time I would have went here even if it didn't offer rad! :)
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