The best thing about Mount Aloysius College would have to be the staff and faculty and the high level of education that is offered. The staff and faculty make it possible for all of the students to learn in a safe kept environment and help all the students to achieve their best potential. The high level of education allows for the students to gain experience inside and outside of a traditional classroom and helps the students to achieve a high ranking job in the career field of thier choice.
One of the major things that I consider to be the best part of Mount Aloysius is that we may be small in numbers as a campus, but here we are known personally by names and not numbers. Professors do a phenomenal job getting to know each and every student as a person and adjust accordingly to meet the needs of the students.
Our campus is small so you're going to get to know almost everybody you go to school with, but I love that! You'll always find a friend here at the Mount. Mostly everyone is friendly, no one ever feels left out. We are founded on the values of Mercy, and that is what we strive by. It is a very welcoming school to students :)
Many faculty, staff, and even our president, Dr. Tom Foley, know many of the students names and faces on campus. It's a small school and everyone sees everyone all of the time. It's common to bump into your rhetoric professor at Wal-Mart and see the president and his family: service, hospitality, mercy, and justice - and puts these values in action. Students, especially in medical fields, get hands on experience in and out of the classroom. The Mount has state of the art technologies from smart boards to simulation labs. Students leave here as well-rounded professionals.
There is so much diversity here in such a small school, and it's a truly great enviroment here. It's such a warm friendly enviroment.
We have about ten Sisters of Mercy (or nuns) that work around the campus, our population is about 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} girls and 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} guys, there are only three residence halls and four academic halls (including the library) on the campus, we don't have a football team, you can see professors on campus at all hours of the day since they come to the different events around campus, you can see every building on campus from a single window in the library. There is so much more that makes this campus unique.
The best aspect of my school is the different classes one can take. I love the major I have chosen and love the diverse classes I take. I feel we can discuss anything in these classes, and that is something I feel all college students have a right to. College is very much different than high school, not as conservative and strict on the things students can learn in the classroom as well as out. I also enjoy the professors I have, and how focused they are on their careers and making a difference in the lives of students.
It is very small and beautiful. All the buildings are within a short walking distance.
The best thing about Mount Aloysius College is the faculty is always eager to help. I have not come across one professor who wasn't willing to stay after class to help with understanding the lecture more in depth, review a paper, or help with any homework assignment. The professors are even willing to help a student with papers or homework from another class with out hesitation. The staff will go out of their way to make sure a student succeeds no matter how long it takes or how hard the task may be.
The ease of being accepted. Nearly anyone who applies to this school, especially the nursing program is accepted. It is a vey convienient route if you have missed the deadlines for the other colleges.