Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The small family oriented campus. More professor to student interactions. Tutors, personal advisors, mercy leaders, professors, career advisors, and campus ministry are among the many organizations and people that are very inviting and helpful to the students. Students make life long friendships and get a wonderful education to begin their careers. There are also numerous programs such as internships, externships, volunteer opportunities, and service projects available as well.


The school is great because all of the people, both staff and student are very friendly. its the main reason i chose to come here. also somethin i really like about the mount is the country atmosphere and the cold weather. we are on a mountain it is great


The education environment. The professors and faculity are willing to help when they can and encourage the best work possible from their students


The best thing at Mount Aloysius College is the staff. They are very helpful , friendly, and supportive of all the students.