Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The most popular organization on campus is Colleges Against Cancer. Campus Activity Board, which is in charge of activities for the campus, is also popular, as well as Campus Ministry; considering we are a Catholic College. I myself am involved with Campus Activity Board, and well as Criminology club and Peer Tutoring. Students on campus tend to be pretty open with their rooms, you can leave your door unlocked or open and not worry about people coming in. Basketball is our most important sport here, we have an event called Mountie Madness every year to introduce the basketball teams. We have many guest speakers. We do not have any fraternities or sororities on campus. We also have an event called Christmas At the Mount, in which the whole campus community comes together to celebrate the Christmas season by eating together, having a Christmas liturgy, and having activities for the children,


CAB - Campus Activities Board. They decide what fun stuff goes on around campus. Do you want to have a lazer tag party or a screening of a certain movie? Join and be heard!


We have a variety of sports offered on campus such as basketball, softball, cross-country, and soccer. Among the most popular, however, is probably basketball. We also have many clubs, and if you don’t want to join one of the many clubs we have to offer, you can always create your own. This year a friend of mine created the ‘Simply Caring’ club. Right now we are working on a service project to send pictures to soldiers in barracks and we are now also supporting Bead of Courage.


We have numerous sports here on campus that are open to students. We are Division III in the Allegheny Mountain Collegeate Conference. Our sports excel in every aspect of them, from on the field of play, to in the classroom, to community service. Every major has a club or organization to go along with it. You get the experience to work in the field, with the professors, and with others in your major. It is a great opportunity.


The most popular organizations on campus seem to be athletics. There are always a number of people at games. There are also a number of freshman at other campus events because they are trying to gain credits for classes they are taking. I am a part of the Mercy presidential scholars at my school. We are student ambassadors who are expected to stand up and be active members of the campus community. In the dorms many people keep their door open and are alway up for something to do. I've wittnessed many people playing games around campus along with studying together in the lounge. Although there are a lot of people around on the week days there are little around on the weekends. Since a lot of people go home there is little to do but study or search out those few left on campus. Getting off campus is also difficult if you do not have a car. Although freshman are allowed to have their cars on campus, I do not along with a few other students. This makes our weekends limited. In the town of Cresson there is a sheetz and a few small stores. The most popular thing for students to do on weekends is for them to host a movie night in their room. I have done this on few occasions. It is a nice way to escape the pressure and expectations from your classes.


I have no idea. Every student is different. Right now a vast amount(vast amount for Mount Aloysius anyway) are involved in humans vs. zombies, basketball games are popular to go to, and every once and awhile we hold dodgeball tournaments or MAC's Got Talent. They usually have relatively new movies playing about every other week that are free and often classes put on theatre productions. Also the Resident Assistant's hold events for individual dorms that you can participate in. I wish athletic events did get more attention in order to get that school pride going. The dating scene...there isnt much of a one. There isn't a whole lot of drinking on campus, because the students who do drink just head off campus for that. If you want a campus that has a lot going on...go to a bigger school. Truthfully my friends and I make our own fun with going shopping, ice skating, pick up soccer games, movie nights, and whatever the heck we want to do. You make your own fun. Its really nice having friends just down the hall that you can go and hang with when you are in desperate need of a study break.


There is a club on campus called CAB (campus activity board). This club focuses specifically on what the students want and need as far as activities go on campus. If something is suggested, the board will review it, discuss it, and poll students on their thoughts. If it's something that the campus wants - they will make it happen. It it is a hit, they will continue to do it from year to year. Some things that they have continued to do over the past couple years include: a Halloween weekend bash, activities at Homecoming weekend like themed pictures for students that are free, and SpringFest.


MAC is full of campus activities to be involved in. We have so many clubs offered here! So many people are in at least one club on campus, or part of a sports team, or at least stays involved on all the campus activities. Even within the dorms there is always an event planned for the residents. Everyone is friendly; most live with the open door policy. Everyone is always welcome to visit one another. You will get to know everyone in your dorm very easily. Everyone abides by the quiet hours though. If you're awake at 2am on a Tuesday morning, it's probably because you're writing a paper or studying for that huge test later on that day! MAC is a dry campus. We don't need alcohol to make our parties fun. There are plenty of other things to do. There is no reason anyone should be bored on campus.


Students come togther to support and rally behind everything from sporting events to theatrical plays. i am currently involved with the biology club and Colleges Against Cancer. You will fin that when students ar in their dorms the door are usually open. Basketball games draw a big crowd here at Mount Aloysius. There are also many guest speakers and symposiums held on campus throughout the year. This is a dry campus, so you on't have to worry about drunks wandering around campus disturbing the late night studying. With Altoona fifteen minutes away there is plenty of shopping and activies to do off campus.


Mount Aloysius has a very open and proud student body. Students frequently visit their friends in the dorms and can basically walk in to hang out at any time. We have 13 mens/womens sports at MAC and are NCAA Division III in the AMCC conference. Students love to attend home games of all the teams and root on the Mounties. The residence life as well as other departments on campus provide speakers, musicians, intermural sporting events, and dances all school year long. We do have dry campus but are able to have lots of fun without alcohol. We are in the middle of Johnstown and Altoona, two cities with lots of restaurants and lots of potential for fun.