Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


i'm not really sure if there are popular groups here it just all depends on what your into. with all the clubs an activities your bound to make friends. even with the kids in your classes. in the dorms you can always make friends I leave my door open to see who might stop by to chat. and writing cute little saying on a white board is always a good ice breaker for conversation.


The most popular clubs are CAC colleges gainst cancer or CAB campus activity board. They are two largest groups and they pretty much run our campus. The Basketball team and the Baseball/softball teams are the most popular sports teams. WE have Mountie Madness every year where students come show pride for the basketball teams. My closest friend is my roommate and we met in a computer class (we both hate computers).


Sports are a big thing here on campus. I am the vice president of the Biology Club right now, and we are just interested in gathering a variety of students to do different service projects. Most of us in the club are a science/medical major, but not everybody is. I am also involved in Colleges Against Cancer which is a pretty big club that hosts a Relay for Life walk each year. Most people meet their closest friends in the dorms or in their classes.


The most popular student organizations on campus are the Men's Basketball team and baseball team. Everybody loves to go watch the basketball games in the winter.. The gym is always full during every home game and the school shows tremendous pride for the mounties.


The most popular activities on campus are basketball, volleyball, baseball, Colleges against Cancer, The Anything Goes club, and other various activities. I am involved in Colleges Against Cancer and our club is focused on raising money for the Relay For Life organization. In the dorms, many studens leave their doors open for anyone to come in and hang out. Athletic events here are really popular especially basketball, and other events like speakers and theater are pretty busy as well. I meet my closest friend through high school but in coming here I made many new friends. If I would be awake at 2am on a Tuesday morning, I would be studying. There ae no fraternities/sororities and the Mount is not a party school. On a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking a student could hang out with their friends or go to an event that was happening at the school.


The most popular activities on campus are basketball, volleyball, baseball, Colleges against Cancer, The Anything Goes club, and other various activities. I am involved in Colleges Against Cancer and our club is focused on raising money for the Relay For Life organization. In the dorms, many studens leave their doors open for anyone to come in and hang out. Athletic events here are really popular especially basketball, and other events like speakers and theater are pretty busy as well. I meet my closest friend through high school but in coming here I made many new friends. If I would be awake at 2am on a Tuesday morning, I would be studying. There ae no fraternities/sororities and the Mount is not a party school. On a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking a student could hang out with their friends or go to an event that was happening at the school.