Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

Describe the students at Mount Aloysius College.


They are very nice and helpful. They really try to get to know you and help you learn the best way that you can.


My classmates are very nice, they help you if your having trouble in class, their always there for me.


My classmates are al very intelligent and determined to succeed.


they are very nice, smart and friendly!


We're all just college students trying to make it to the end! Everyone here is friendly and willing to help out.


Mount Aloysius College is a predominately Caucasian institution. Since the college is located in Cresson, a small town, there are a few issues with race and from students coming from larger cities and areas, but not many. Many students are open to talking with anyone. We have a number of LGBT students on campus, and we even have a LGBT club devoted to those students. Most of the students come from the towns of Pennsylvania, but we also have a number of students from New Jersey, Maryland, Texas, and other states. We do have some African American students here as well.


The students here are your typical people. We wear sweats and a hoodie to class like any other campus. We might blend in with the crowd with our looks, but academically we stand out with our classes and job after school.


The majority of the students at this school are from the middle class. Just about everyone is recieving some type of financial aid. The majority of the students at this school are also non-religious or do not practice a religion daily. Although this is a Catholic school and you do not have to be Catholic to attend, a very small number of students actually attend mass or go to their place of worship. Student life is very laid back. I have worn sweat pants and t-shirts to class on many occasions. Everyone can also find a place at this school. Students range fom vieo gamers, athletes, writers, musicians, and everything else inbetween. There are groups and clubs for all kinds of interests. A person would have no trouble finding a group they belong in. Groups even intermingle. There are little cliques here.


This school is small enough that when you walk into the cafeteria at dinner your almost guaranteed to find more than one friendly face. At the beginning I didn't like that the school was so small, but now i love that when I walk around I am always seeing people I know. The students at our school tend not to pay much attention to what goes on outside of this campus and I am guilty of this too. Usually we find things out when our teacher wants to hold a discussion and every student shrugs our shoulders in surprise. Its the students who need to have to want to turn on the news, not the schools. Many people who have degrees from college say that they never paid much attention to what was going on outside the school either. To describe the students at our school is difficult. I don't really know, because i have met a lot of different people since I've been here. Some have shocked me, others remind of my best friends from home. I do not know if any student would feel out of place. This is college now, its a mixture of everyone, not just from a given area. I would think everyone would feel like they belonged at college. I definitely have made friends with people at college that I think i wouldnt have looked twice at in high school or I would have marked them in the "stay away" category. I am a soccer player at my school so I have those friends(we all get along yet a lot of us are different), I have friends that I have made in my honor class, I have friends from my biology class, friends I have made because we share a common ground on our beliefs, so yeah I guess you could say that different type of students interact.


Everyone is a friend here at MAC. I honestly don't think any one student would feel out of place at this school. Everyone is here to help one another. No one is left sitting alone in the dining hall. No matter where you go, you'll find a friendly face. The campus is small. It's easy to make friends. It's almost as if we all have a second family away from home.