I believe that all students can come to this school and fit in. the stuents here ar very friendly and helpful. There are a wide variety of styles here on campus, so evrything from jeans with cowboy boots to a three piece suits and dress shoes to scrubs may be in a class together. there are students from a wide variety of financial backgrounds. Mount Aloysius offers great financial aid packages. For such a small college there is a great amount of dversity, but in that sense everyone gets along with one another. there are no cliques here on campus.
Mount Aloysius is a small, private, catholic school in rural Western Pennsylvania. Considering the area, we are primarily a white school, but do have other minorities that attend our school. In terms of religion, our school has nearly any denomination of Christianity, but no religious beliefs are ever forced on students. We do have a chapel for mass three times a week and students are invited but not forced to attend. Most of our students come from Pennsylvania, but we do have lots of states and even other countries represented here at Mount Aloysius. MAC does have a good amount of nontraditional students and commuters along with our 500 or so residents. MAC prides itself on the values of mercy and is very open to anyone who comes here and welcomes them with open arms.
Many of the students at the Mount are from the area or within a short driving distance. I live three hours from Altoona but the culture isn't much different. The campus is primarily christian, caucasian and a lot of females. However, we do have students from other countries and many other states. The typical clothes for class are jeans (sweats for a lot of nursing students!) with either a nice top or a cute hoodie. The weather gets pretty cold pretty fast so boots and warm clothes are a staple around here!
There is a nice variety of different types of people. It is very easy to find somebody to hang out with. I don't feel like anybody should feel out of place here, because everybody is very welcoming. Most students wear sweatpants or jeans to class, the typical college student attire. There is a lot of merging of different types of students here. Most students are from Pennsylvania and within a two hour drive.
I would say we have the typical students you have at any other college at our school. We have people from all over the country, and a few from other countries too. The majority of student come from the local area, but there seems to be a place for everyone here. There are enough clubs and organizations that any student can find a place to fit in. People tend to be open to meeting new people and all the groups tend to blend together. It is very seldom that you don't have anyway to say hi to or anything when walking to class. Everyone knows just about everyone.
Mainly on this campus is a white majority. However, other ethnic backgrounds are prevalent too. The socio-economic statuses vary immensely, but most people on campus have humble personalities. They do not boast about the job they will obtain in the future or the money they will make. For most this is an undergraduate school, so we all have a ways to go before we hit the finish line. Groups of people interact on a daily basis whether through class group work, sports, or the clubs. During meals times people do have their close group of friends, but because class times vary people do not consistently sit with the same groups of people. To be totally honest, I could not say where people stand politically. I am not actively involved with politics on this campus.
Most people that attend this school are from Pennsylvania. However, we do have a fairly large out of state population. I have known students here that are from England, New Hampshire, New Jersey, California, Puerto Rico, Maryland, Texas, Massachusetts, and Virginia just to name a few. The weather dictates what students where to class. I find the campus to made up of good people that are easy to get along with.
The Mount Aloysius College community has a variety of different races, religions, and socio-economic statuses. The diversity is great, and speaking from experience, has broadened my understanding of different cultures and backgrounds. The students come from all over, even countries like Mexico, China, and Puerto Rico. There seems to be no problem with students interacting with each other and having great discussion.
It's a catholic college, but it' not what you think there are a lot of open minded ideas. There are a ton of clubs and activities to do here. I think our students are from all different backgrounds.
I have been involved in LGBT and they have alot of pride at this school.Our students join clubs to find places they belong and to meet new people. Most students involved in campus clubs are in multiple clubs with a variety of people. We hve over 100 clubs that can be joined and are offered to every major. All the studetns interact differently there isnt really any loners or defined groups. I mean the teams of athletes usually sit together but, there are often others that join in t the tables and most of the time they are together because they just came from a game or they re going to practice. The students come from all over the world/ country. We have a mix of financial backgrounds and everyone has their own story.