Muhlenberg College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Muhlenberg College!


The small class size and intimate relationship with faculty allow for a powerful and impactufl learning environment.


It's small and it has an incredibly welcoming community feel that all of the other schools I had visited lacked. It has excllent departments for my double major with professors who are highly regarded in their fields. It caters to my double major in theatre and psychology.


Bottom line, I don't think I could stress enough how much I love 'Berg! It's an amazing school where you're going to be able to talk to teachers, build life-long friendships, and spend your college years enjoying yourself!!


Muhlenberg was the perfect choice for me - small classes, individualized attention, and not too shabby to look at either. I've found that I can really be the person I want to be, do the things I want to do, excel both in and out of the classroom, and have memories and friendships that will go beyond my four years at Muhlenberg College!


At Muhlenberg, every one is very friendly, it is a very tight community because of the size of the school. Also, it is very easy to meet upperclassmen and become freinds with them even as a freshman.


Accelerated degree program


Overall, I love Muhlenberg and have been extremely happy with my decision to go here.


cohesive community, welcoming atmosphere, intense academics, balanced social life, extra curricular activities, beautiful area in the fall


At the moment this is the only school I've attended


We have a huge Center for the Arts with a very artistic community, but also have fanastic science programs: we have an amazing psychology and pre-med program. The combination of our strong arts and science programs makes Muhlenberg unique.