By senior year so many people have boyfriends. There are over 100 clubs, as well as four sororities, four fraternities and a few other Greek organizations. On Saturdays if you don't want to drink sometimes there are small performances in our student union. I met my closest friends through Greek life.
People party however much they want. There are some people who wind up drinking 5 times a week and go out, and some who don't.
There are definitely a ton of clubs and activities that you can get involved in on campus! Everything from political groups, to Greek organizations, to even a knitting club can be found here. And if there is ever a group that we don't have, you are more then able to start your own group, with just a few signatures and student support.
I personally am involved in a ton of things on campus, with being a Tour Guide and Resident Advisor my two top favorite activates to be a part of. I was a tour guide all throughout my four years in high school, so I knew that was something I wanted to keep with when I came here to 'Berg. I absolutely love, love, love this school, so I enjoy showing other families around and sharing my pride of the college. I was also fortunate enough to be chosen to be a Residential Advisor(RA) in one of the freshman dorms next year - it's something I'm really excited about!
There are a bunch of different housing options on campus throughout your four years here. Freshman year there are three dorms you can live in, two of which are co-ed (Prosser and Walz) and one a single-sex female dorm (Brown). I would definitely say that each of the three dorms has their own unique personality. I lived in and will be an RA in Prosser for the 2010/2011 academic year. Brown is a gorgeous dorm building in itself, with huge windows and high ceilings. Don't worry, even though it is an all girls dorm, guys definitely so spend of lot of time in Brown too! Prosser is the largest dorm on the entire campus, and has two sections, a main and annex part. Walz, is the final freshman dorm that is known for being the only freshman dorm with air-conditioning and an elevator. I would say that freshman year especially, people generally tend to keep their doors open, with friends and visitors always stopping in to say 'hi'. Many of my best friends are people that I met through living on the same floor, so I would encourage you to get to know the people living around you, when you do get to college! One of the most important things about meeting people in college is talking to people. Just saying 'hi' or starting up a conversation might feel weird at first, but you're going to find everyone here at 'Berg is so nice and it's a great way to meet people.
One of the things that I have come to love about 'Berg throughout this past year are all of the traditions we have. One of the best memories that I have is attending what we called "Chef's Fair". Each year, chef's from the other colleges in the Lehigh Valley visit for one night and them, along with 'Berg chefs of course, prepare a meal for all the students. Once done sampling everything, the students vote on which chef/meal they liked the best. Not only was the food amazing, but the atmosphere and look of the entire packed student restaurant that night really made me just smile and think "here's another reason why I'm glade I came here".
On the weekends here, there is honestly never a dull moment. From student performers in the Red Door to events planned by Muhlenberg Activities Council like bowling at the nearby alley, you will never find yourself without something to do. We also have four fraternities and four sororities, so if you do want to join a Greek organization, you definitely can. While you will find plenty of students walking around with Greek letters on, this isn't a campus where if you're Greek, that's your only identity. Student that are in Greek organizations are also very active in all other areas on campus, from theater to biology.
Muhlenberg students pride themselves on their involvement outside of the classroom in clubs and activities. Some of our most popular include Muhlenberg Activities Council, which provide sober activities for every weekend including comedians, concerts, and the ever-so-popular "Stuff a Plush" (kind of like Build a Bear), Muhlenberg Theatre Association and Muhlenberg Dance Association, the Environmental Action Team (EnAcT), Student Government, College Republicans, College Democrats, and Greek Life.
We have four national fraternities and four national sororities on campus. They are involved in all sorts of clubs and activities, community service, philanthropy, and of course have strong bonds with another. Only about 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of campus is Greek and students cannot join until their sophomore year. Resultantly, it is not a make-or-break social scene and campus and all students should feel welcome at any respective house.
Similarly about 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our students are athletes and it's not rare for students to hop on a bus and go see the club Ice Hockey game or head over to Scotty Wood Stadium and watch Muhlenberg beat our rivals on the football field. Those students can then head over to our Center for the Arts and watch their friends in theatre productions, dance shows, musicals, concerts, and see their artwork displayed in our galleries - again, students from all walks of life can shine on our campus and do what they're best at.
Social life on campus is great, students can meet at any of the aforementioned events, but most students meet during Freshman year in the famous "Freshman Quad." The woodchip area is enclosed by our three freshmen building and sports a barbeque grill, park benches, and tables for students to sit out. During any day or night of the week, students can go out there and meet their best friends or just hang out on a Thursday night with everyone else.
Most students on campus do not party the same way some bigger universities do. Yet as a college campus, if that's the scene students are looking for, they are able to find it. If that's not what students are looking for, the Activities Council always has something planned, and it's very common to hang out in your dorm with your friends watching a movie and ordering food or even doing homework out in the quad. Off campus, there are the aforementioned restaurants, two night clubs, and great shopping to do around Allentown. When it's nice out, students can head over to the Rose Garden, there's also a park, or even over to Coca-Cola Stadium for an Iron Pigs baseball game.
Students are never bored on campus and can always find the kinds of activities they're looking for.
Overall, I would describe the Muhlenberg social life as an active one. We have plenty of students that choose not to participate in the party scene, but there are also plenty of students that do. There are a lot of activities run by our Muhlenberg Activities Council on the weekend such as bands on campus and trips off campus for students that are not interested in participating in the social scene.
As far as fraternities and sororities, we have about 16{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body actively involved in Greek life. There are four active sororities and three active fraternities. While these organizations provide some of the social activities on the weekend, they in no way dominant the social life here at Muhlenberg.
As far as campus organizations, Hillel is the most popular club on campus, but there are many other outlets for students to get involved in. We have clubs ranging from the Knit Wits to the Art Association to Colleges Against Cancer totaling in over 100 clubs and organizations. We have a highly active Theatre and Dance program whose productions are very well attended by the students. Also, our athletic events are well attended depending on the sport and the time of year.
Overall, I have been very happy with the social life here at Muhlenberg because it allows me ample options on the weekends in order to decide how I want to spend my time and I have found that most of my friends have also been happy with the social life and activities.