Cheryl I know what you are feeling and how much life has shown you dissapointments but you must continue to "push". You have all the qualities to make it but you are so pressured to be someone that you are not. It is okay to take refuge in books and less in people. You are unique in every aspect and if you allow yourself the chance to blossom you will see the difference at the next level of life beyond the walls of High School were you feel you are a misfit. College is just around the corner and eventhough you realize a lot of your friends today will not make that transition it is not you that have to follow. You are wonderful and intelligent young lady with your life just begining. Have your dream and welcome your uniquiness and let it flourish when you walk through the doors of your new life in College. Your future is nearer .....and it's in College. It is okay Cheryl trust me.
A college degree is a necessity, not an option. Grades are important, so keep up the good work and manage your time well. If you need to work full time, remember a college degree can be managed one class at a time, so continue to take at least one
Interview teachers in my major and see if there are any notables in that major.
For years you've been told to do your homework. Now you're almost ready to go to college and you'll never have hear that nagging again, right? Well, maybe, but not quite yet. When making your college choice, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! There is tons of information available nowadays so take advantage of it. Find a college guide book, talk to your guidance counselor, read college websites, find out everything you possibly can. If you make an informed and educated decision, you'll pick the right place and be able to get the most out of your college experience.
You need to visit multiple places so that you can figure out what you like and dislike about each one. That way you can compare them to each other so you know you'll make the right choice. Also, don't worry about how much tuition costs. Go to a school that you are going to be happy at there will always be financial aid and scholarships that you can apply to. Once you are at college, get as involved as you possibly can. Being an active member o my colleg community has truly helped me to take advantage of all of the opportunties that it has to offer which has contributed immensey to my college experience. I have learned invaluable lessons through the things I am involved in and have already make who I know will be life-long friends.
I would just advise them to really look at all the schools they are applying to and find the one that feels like the right fit when walking around the campus in addition to anything else they are looking for.
When deciding on the right college, make sure you understand everything that is offered: academics, social life, learning support, housing, and the size of the college. If you are looking for professors to really pay attention to your progress, you may want to look at smaller colleges. If you are looking for a party-school and large lecture classes, then it may be in your best interest to attend a larger university (such as a state school). You do not necessarily need to know what you want to do in your future, so make sure the college you choose offers a variety of your interests.
Visit as many times as you can! Go on the college-sponsored tours, but also see if you can go on tours from students that haven't been hired as tour guides; they will tend to be more honest and open. Do overnights as well: stay in the dorm you will most likely be living in as a first year if you plan on attending a college far from home. Once enrolled, attend the college activity fairs to see all the different clubs the campus has to offer. Do what interests YOU! Be yourself.
Before you make your decision, walk around campus and try to judge how many of the students you could see yourself being friends with. It gives you a really good idea of how well you would fit in and acclimate. To make the most out of your experience, get involved! Don't just go to class and go home.
Find the place that feels like home to you. If you're not comfortable in your college/university then you won't succeed. Also live every day to the fullest.