Murray State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Murray State University know before they start?


I would tell myself to apply for and do whatever I could to make myself stand out for scholarship purposes. Education is very expensive. This is something I did not think alot about when I was a senior. Schools say that they have tons of money to give to students, but I use never or barely get money from my school. Also, I would tell myself to make sure that you are prepared to study a lot more then you had to in high school, and to remember that your education is the main priority.


Mary, don't back yourself into a corner because of preconceived notions about what you like and are good at. Try out some of the life sciences, they are extremely interesting and useful. Be yourself, and search for good friends. Don't try to blend in with the crowd when you don't agree; standing out is not something to be feared, it is an opportunity to spread the light. Remember, though, home is always just a phone call away, and don't forget to call Grandpa. He will always have time for you.


If I could go back and talk to my high-school self I would tell myself to go into college as an undelared major. I have changed my major 3 times and am finally happy with my current major; journalism! I would just imagine it would be easier to complete all the general education credits before starting major specific classes. I would also tell my high-school self to do what YOU think is best. College is going to be a time when you have to make your own way and develop yourself as your own independent person. You are making your own desicions that will effect YOU, no one else. Just keep swimming!


The biggest hurdle I had to contend with was balancing my social life with study time and work. During high school all I did was school work and work at my part-time job. And even then I didn't have to study rigorously. Going to college presented a problem when I started socializing more and make more friends than I ever imagined. It was often difficult to prioritize. The best advice I could give to myself now would be, learn how to study effectively and limit my socialzing to the important things. Also most of all, not to forget the passion and ambition I went into college for, that would end up being what drives me to succeed in the most difficult of times.


I would tell me highschool self to learn how to study. Also learn how to manage your time wisely and turn your homework in on time. I never had to study in high school because I didn't take hard classes. Studying is a skill that every college freshmen needs to learn. I would also tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible and keep applying for them. I didn't apply for schollarships and I still owe on this years tuition. A thousand dollars would have been nice to help pay off those final debts of freshman year.


If by chance I could go back and give myself advice it wouldn’t be a plan or an outline of exactly what to do. I have learned so much about myself and the big world with every decision and “mistake” I have made, I needed to learn those life lessons. From transition from a senior to a freshman in college I wish someone had told me it would all be okay; as silly as that might sound I was so freighted to attend college it gave me anxiety and made me very self-conscious. Watching my peers always having confidence in themselves and decisions they had made was really scary when I constantly questioned my own. I needed to hear that I could do it my own way, make my own decisions and then remake them again if I needed to. I wish I could have told myself not to put the pressure of the world on my shoulders. If I could give my 18 year old self advice it would be words of encouragement to a more than bewildered little girl….. Ohh and maybe not to take advanced math class during summer session.


The transition to college is an exciting yet nerve-wracking time for every college freshmen. No longer are they big fishes in a small pond; rather, in college they become normal fishes in a huge ocean. But the transition need not be a tumultuous time in someone’s life. If I had the chance to meet myself during my senior year in high school, the overall advice I would give him is to relax and get to know other freshman and the campus itself. Out of every type of student in college, the best chances to make new friends lie in other freshmen. Like my counterpart, other freshmen are just as nervous about the transition to college. Reaching out to them may create an everlasting friendship. And knowing the campus itself is a good stress relieving method. Knowing where every class is at, along with popular campus attractions, can help ease my past self’s mindset.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to study a little harder and to work a little harder on my extra curriculars so that I may qualify for my dream school a little sooner and that college is not a game, as well as taking student loans. And that when you take a student loan maybe you do not think about it for a very long time but you do have to pay them back at some point, so stay focused and try to get a job. And most of all enjoy college to the fullest.


Dear Elizabeth, People may have told you that high school is the best time of your life, but they lied. College is amazing! Every aspect about it is better than high school. You will love joining a sorority and you will make so many amazing new friends! People complain that living in the dorms is terrible, but you will love having a roommate and meeting all the awesome people who live in your building! You will enjoy being away from home and making decisions for yourself. College is wonderful and you should make the most of it while your there! However, there are a few things no one told you that you should also know. You will get homesick. Sometimes you'll be lonely even when you are surrounded by people. It is okay to change your major. And the freshman fifteen are a real thing! College won't always be perfect, but it will be an amzing journey. Enjoy your last year of high school, but be prepared for the real best years of your life!


If I could go back and help myself prepare, I would tell myself to learn and adapt better study skills and time management. In college it is easy to get away and begin to forget about what is really important. It is important to stay focused on school and remember that right now it should be at the top of my priorities. While it is important to have a job and save money or pay for college, you have to be sure to first set apart time to study and just enjoy being in college. College life is fun, but it's also very short. I would remind myself of how quickly time passes and that it is important not only to study and have a job, but to have a good, safe time!


The advice I would give myself is to not jump staright into a 4 year university. If i could have done things a lot differently I would of started at a community college to get my basics out of the way and then moved to a 4 year college to get the rest out of the way.


You don't yet know what you want from life, a profession, or your college experience. You shouldn't feel insecure about not knowing these things yet & people who say differently have unrealistic expecations of you. Immediately declare a major you like, it will give focus. Remember, it's alright to change your major. Trust mom's advice, but don't let it define you. Making friends with the same type of people you've known before is easy, but remember, you have always had to wear your "mask" with them. Your environment so far has been more isolated than you were led to believe, this fact should not be underestimated. Making good friends will require taking your "mask" off. Meet the outcasts, they're more philosophical, but stay conscious of your naivete. Be uncomfortable, it will help you mature. Develop a strong, healthy group of friends early on. 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of succeeding in life is following others' directions, you're going to be held responsible for the other 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. You're creative & many are not, this isn't a weakness, it's a strength. Break up with your boyfriend, it will not work out; go to events alone, stay safe.


There is nothing you can really do to prepare for the stress, and the joy, of college life. What I would tell my high school self is that everything works out in the exact right way. Fill out college applications, fill out scholarship applications, work hard to get into the school that you want to get into, but don't get disheartened if something didn't turn out precisely how you planned it would. Everything works out in the exact right way. The college you go to will be more than just a school to you. College is your place to find great, long lasting friendships, your place to date a few cute guys, your place to be on your own for the first time, your place to find yourself. The college you go to will be your home for the next four years, and honestly it will go by a lot faster than you would like. Sure you will fail a couple tests and skip a couple classes along the way, but don't worry. Everything works out in the exact right way.


I would give myself the advice to take more AP classes for college credit. I would tell myself to start building a budget, and to start saving as much money as possible. I would encourage myself to be more involved so I could open myself up to other opportunities more. I would also tell myself to mentally and emotionally prepare for the distance of being away.


If I could write a letter to myself, I would tell her to not blink. I would tell her to not worry about growing up too fast. I would tell her that in a year from now your boyfriend cheating on you wouldn't matter because there is a better guy in your future. I would tell her to take in every last football game she was cheering in. That was the last year I would ever be cheering and I wish I could go back. I would tell her not to worry about deciding on a college; in the end you will pick the perfect university. I would tell her to have fun and relax. It will go so fast. I would tell her to thank thank Mr. Gavin everyday. No one would of guessed that our last day of high school would be the day he takes his last breath. I would tell myself to spend all of my free time with my mother, she is the MOST important person in your life and always will be. I would also tell her to save every penny: college is expensive!


If I was gifted with the opportunity to talk to myself as a high school senior I would take the opportunity to tell myself to stop being so caught up with what other people think of me and truly be genuine to who I was. Coming into college I was excited about the chance to be whoever I wanted to be but trying to reinvent myself from the person I had grown up in high school to be resulted in discontentment and misery. It wasn't until a friend introduced me to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ that I understood that I had identity outside of what other people thought of me that I was able to look at the world with joy and live my life as the person I was created to me. I would tell my 18 year old self to take a look at my own heart, realize that Jesus loves me for who I am and then live to be that person to His glory. This would have made the transition into college much easier and I would have developed lasting frienships from the begging of school rather than delaying them.


Elizabeth, You know that boy you're thinking about? He's not worth your time. You know that test you didn't do well on? It's not worth the worry. You know the bullshit you have to deal with at work? It's not worth your energy. You know about the family complications? It's not worth losing sleep over. The only thing that you need to focus on is yourself and what makes you happy. That means taking a weekend off of work and putting the books down to go out with your friends, spend time with your sister, and make memories. Your little sister won't be so little soon and she will miss and need you appreciate it while you can. Keep your standards high in college. Get out of your comfort zone and meet new friends. Work Study. Party. Laugh. Nobody is as good at being you, xcept you. You're going to go through rough times, but the good ones make up for it. You're well loved here at MSU. You have people who have your back and will help you up when you fall. So smile. You're prettier that way. Elizabeth


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, advice that I would give myself would be to research the different colleges that are out there. Make sure I know what degree I want to pursue and stick with it. Make appointments to attend the colleges for visits to learn more about how that specific college works. Get involved by asking college students to give me one line of advice as a prospective student. Research to find out how long it will take to receive the degree I have chosen. Get an estimate of all related college costs. Make a financial plan and stay with it. Always order used books or rent because it does save money. I would say to take the first semester after high school off and after that go full time. If summer classes were an option, I would choose to take one class online every summer to finish my degree early. It pays off. The final piece of advice I would give is to make sure the classes I am enrolled in will count towards my degree and not to enroll in any that won't.


Dear Madison, I would like to commend you on trying to get yourself ready for college by taking all of the A.P classes that were offered at you high school! It will truly make college easier, altleast in the begining. I know you mom is constantly telling you that you need to learn to do laundry and cook simple meal and you keep pushing it back....DON'T! Go ahead and get comfortable with those simple daily duties. Plan you time wisely. That has been my biggest ajustment at college. I was always a late studier and doing homework last minute. Big mistake to do that at college because everything will pile up quick. As soon as you know an assignment start it and finish as soon as possible. Fortunately, I had a few professors that helped get me on track with leniency. Get involved with your campus clubs and campus sports as much as possible. Its a great way to meet friends and future study buddies! Thank your teachers before you leave because even though you thought everything you were doing was stupid they have totally prepared you for college! Go MCHS!


Transitioning from high school to college is an experience unlike any other. The emotional mix of excitement and nerves can leave a person feeling overwhelmed. However, whether going away from home or attending a local college or university, the possibilities your future holds are endless. College is all about experiencing new things, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and striving for the best. When the anxiety from change brews in your stomach, remember; every incoming freshman is in the same situation: new surroundings, new people, new opportunities. So go out and try things you otherwise wouldn’t, take chances, and strive to be your best. Don’t worry about how you look or what others will think of you, any thoughts of negativity will keep you from pursuing your dreams. Talk to everyone that crosses your path because just like you, everybody’s looking for new friendships and experiences. Most importantly be yourself and strive for want you want like never before. Lastly, always remember why you are attending college—for the education, so make it count!