Murray State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Murray State University know before they start?


In High School kids think that they already know everything about how the" real world" works and how it functions. If I could go back in time to my high school days I would tell myself, " Girl, you do not know what is waiting for you out there in the real world, try your hardest to aim for a good score on the ACT/SAT because getting a high score can help you get better scholarships and grants". I made the mistake of taking the ACT only one time thinking that the score that I got was good enough to get me into college. See I could have gone the extra mile and gone to tutoring and asked my teachers for help in my weak subjects but I did not do that and now I regret it. I would also tell myself get ready because you are going to be independent and you will have to grow up pretty quickly. My college transition was difficult because I was not sure of what degree program I wanted to pursure so I spent a lot of time doing research and quickly learning how to become the responsibe adult that I am today.


It's okay to feel nervous and anxious about college, both socially and academically. There are many other freshmen who feel the same way. Numerous opportunities to make friends will naturally present itself to you, so don’t be hesitant to approach people. Oftentimes the classes offered for freshmen contain many individuals around the same age or in the same major, so it eases the transition into a new environment and the availability of friends. There are many resources available to socially and academically assist students. There exist various offices and workers dedicated solely to the advancement of students, willing to provide assistance whenever help is needed. Free tutoring is available for when you need that extra help, but just remember to use a planner to keep up with assignments and classes. So don’t worry too much. As long as you do your work and be attentive in class, everything should be fine.


I would tell myself that I made the right decision. Do not stress over what you have yet to experience because it will all work out. Murray State University really is the best of both worlds. You can meet new people each semester if you so choose or you can stay right where you feel comfortable with your close friends from the beginning. The program I am in could not be any better and companies are already contacting me as a Sophomore for internships and post graduate jobs. Enjoy this last bit of highschool but you will have a blast in college.


Make better grades because it is free money. Do not slack off and try your best.


Don't rush going to school. Applying yourself without focus will be a mistake for you. Learn what it is that you LOVE first and LEARN about it. Explore the possibilities that life has to offer you. Don’t be afraid to pursue what it is that you want. You have the ability to do ANYTHING that you want to. Things aren’t exact what you want them to be right now, but it will be fine. I want you to be honest with others and most importantly yourself. You know who you are and there is NOTHING wrong with that. Hear that voice inside of you and LISTEN to it. It won’t lead you astray or lie. People will change, YOU will change, people will come and go and you will be fine with it. When you finally do decide to go to school, because you will, learn more than what’s being taught in class. Learn about the people, the cultures, and the backgrounds from where the people that you will meet come from. The experiences that you will have will be with you forever and they will help you for the rest of your life.


I would make sure to live in the dorms longer and attend MSU first instead of a community college.


I would tell myself not to worry. I am the biggest worrier, and college has only made that worse. If I could tell my high school self anything, it would be that things will happen the way they are supposed to, and in the end, everything will be okay. On the first day of class, do not worry about making friends, do not worry about not being good enough, do not worry about not being smart enough, just go in there and do your best. Life is going to be full of surprises, but you cannot control any of them. Take what life gives you and keep pushing through.


While I perceive college life to be relatively similar to my time as a high school senior, there are some key changes that I would have advised myself to make in the transition. In high school I rarely had to study to make good grades. However, I have come to realize that in college more dedication is required to yield the same results. It was for this reason that my first semester was so rocky. In addition, I would have also told myself to find a job that would work more cohesively with my class schedule. Even though I was able to graduate third in my class, my high school awarded students with the highest GPA's. Since I had taken multiple AP classes and received a few B's, students that had taken traditional classes and recieved A's were rewarded more. This made my financial aid assistance nearly nonexistent, which in turn required me to pay for my college myself. Ever since I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had to fight off subsequent diseases and illnesses I have tried to make the most of the life I've been given. I would advise myself to continue.


If i were to go back to my high school self as a senior, there are many things i'd love to advice myself on. I would advice myself not to focus to much on love life. It is distracting, and a lot changes when you leave. I would tell myself to focus more on how to take proper notes and to study. I would advise myself to pay attention to how to appropriapetly write and cite essays. I would advise myself to choose friends wisely who will stick to me in college but not consume me, so i could make new ones. i would advise myself to thank my teachers more for helping me prepare for a sudden change in lifestyles and school. Also i would adivse my self to apply to many many scholarships and grants, so that i could have enough money to pay not only for tuition but for books, food, and housing. I would adivise myself to speak to my parents and set quidelines with them on when we should call each other. Mostly i would advise my self to reach out and get involved. Thats what makes college an amazing and smooth experience.


First thing that I would do if I could go back, is that I would give myself a pat on the back for taking such rigourous courses in high school. Academicll, I prepared myself well for college. I would then proceed to tell myself to start mentally preparing myself for being out on my own. That is probably the biggest change I have underwent over the past several months, is becoming more independent and learning alot of life lessons, sometimes the hard way. Life doesnt always work out like you want it to, or like it is supposed to. All you can do is find a solution to any problems you may recieve and then overcome them. Use the help that other people offer. I would tell myself to stay strong minded and strong willed, and to never give up on my dreams. I would remind myself that my biggest enemy is fear, and to not let my fear disrupt my journey to being where I want to be. I would tell myself that it is all up to me.