Murray State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Murray State University?


If I could improve professors ability to relay information to students that would be a huge plus! Not all students learn in the same way. For me, I need a fun upbeat professor who makes me want to learn . Your not going to love every class you take and you are sometimes required to take classes that have nothing to do with what you want to do with your career. If professors would understand this and make class time more fun, students would learn outstandingly better.


When researching and asking questions one should not take the first answer, do not be afraid to ask the same questions to multiple people. Many time I have received bad information from an advisor even. Also make sure not to beleive every "regulation" There are many loop holes not given readily to students without deep research such as the "housing requirments".






The most frustrating thing about Murray State University are the residental colleges. The residental college I live in is close to the acedemic buildings but is far from the dining hall, recreational buildings, and there are no Racer Patrol boxes, this means emergency boeses.


The most frustrating thng about my school would have to be that sometimes professors do not answer their emails.


Balancing work, school, and somewhat of a social life.


If going to be a commuter, be prepared to walk a mile or two to get to your classes. The professors are usually very helpful and work with their students to be successful.


Financial Aid Office is really, really busy


There is really not much that frustrates me about this school. Only thing I can mention is sometimes how financial aid can be a long process and a little bit much to complete.