Murray State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Murray State University?


The most frustrating thing that I would let prospective students coming to Murray State University know is that some of the dorms are a little beat up and worn down and that it also is very hard sometimes to get things in your dorm room fixed in a timely manner.


A lot of the work seems like busy work even though it will help me in the long run.


The most frustrating thing for me about Murray would have to be how mygate is set up. Mygate is not a very user friendly program and does always update when it needs to.


What frustrates me the most about this college is the financial aid process. You get what you deserve eventually, but the process is a pain and it takes forever. For some students the process is not complete before school begins and they get purged untill the process is complete. I believe they can do better in this area. Other than that I have no complaints.


The most frustrating thing about my school would be having to park at the stadium as a freshman because i have a job and i have to walk it twice a day.


Probably the temperature of my dorm. It changes from extremly hot to very cold throughout the day and it can make it difficult to be patient with.


There is a lack of parking for commuters.


It becomes more difficult to get the schedule you need as you progress toward your degree. In the higher level classes there is sometimes only one class available.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that it is impacted greatly by the local conservative religious population that is intolerant to religious, and political diversity.


Nothing really frustrating. I would be happy with a more organized career services office, but I have no regrets at all going there.