Muskingum University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Muskingum University?


This private university has a unbelieveable awesome student-teachers ratio! Some of my class has 5 students, another has 4, and there's even a class has only 2 students and our professor!


The class rooms and how each professor is very interesting to talk to.


There is always some place to hang out and have a good time.


When I brag about my school, I usually brag about either the number of hills or the community. When you are on campus, you feel like you are still connected with nature and the environment, instead of feeling like you are in a concrete jungle. The community is absolutely fantastic. It is great that the majority of professors live just down the street from the school. Plus, many professors actually invite their students over for dinners. With the community being as small as it is, it is very easy to get to know the people that live in it.


not really


I brag about the theatre department because that is what I am involved in. We have a lot of talented people and we do a lot of great shows.


The education department being one of the best in the nation. It being a small, liberal arts school.


The softball program is amazing!


Muskingum College is completely intimate when it comes to size. It is very small, but not boring. There are always fun events going on like mini-concerts, comedians, bingo nights, and movie nights. It's really a great environment to be in when you really just care about getting an education, not getting drunk every night. The small size is a great advantage!