STOP worrying Jonnie. You have a 3.6 GPA and a higher then average ACT score. All your hard work is going to pay off. Try to lay off of some of the worrying, or else you will give yourself an anxiety attack. Post secondary will help alot. You should've done it both years instead of just one though. You were better at it then highschool anyway.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and give myself advice on transitioning I would say that you should know that college will be tough. You've never spent more than a week away from your parents and it will be very hard. That during the first semester you will be spending seven weeks away from your parents. I would say that you got through it and made so many amazing friends by just being you. That you will be overwhelmed during your first year, but that its all a part of the college process. The food is not the greatest, you'll adjust. Don't be afraid to get involved because there are so many opportunities available on campus. You'll meet amazing girls and eventually join a sorority. That you'll be okay, don't be afraid to go away. Because in your heart that's what you know that you want. And don't give up on that becuase of going away you will grow and mature and love every second of it. One last thing choose Black and Magenta...
If i could go back in time and talk to myself about college and use what I know now to give myself advice I would tell myself that there is a lot more to college then what I really thought. I should have prepared a lot sooner with filling out scholarships and looking for grants in order to try and stay on top of paying or ahead. Also that you have to think more about yourself in collge then you did in high school becuase there is so much to do on campus that sometimes people forget about there school work and get carried away with other actitives. Another thing I would tell myself is that you have a lot more freedom and no one there to hold your hand and tell you to get our homework done or anything so you have to be more dependent on yourself to motivate yourself to get the work done. But we all learn from our mistakes and we learn as we grow!
In college there is no one telling me what to do and when to do it which is a great but can get easily get me in a bind. Being a full time student, working when I can, and going out with my friends is hard to balance it all but after some time I have learned to organize my time and balance school, work, and fun. Being able to organize is a skill to be learned it is not innate; for some it comes easier than others. My college experience so far has taught me to grow up and take responsibility for my actions. I have enjoyed my experience and would not trade it for anything; I have learned so much! I know that I will be ready to face the world when I am finished with college. It is valuable because so many are not ready to step out into the world and my experience has prepared me thus far. I am thankful for what I have experienced and I am excited to see what is in store in my future.
I have not been to college yet i start in March 2011 to get my CNA license and after that i will continue on to get my RN. I need help paying for it though I am a single mother trying to do right and i know that i can give my son a good life and all the things i never had if i go to college and get a career. Not only that i will be helping people, i had a job as a CNA and i have never felt that good in my life the woman i use to take care of, her eyes would just light up when i started my shift. Being a nurse is a meaningful and fulfilling career and i know that i will be great at it i just need help getting started!
My college experience has opened my eyes to many new people and places. I come from a conservative, small town and that is so not me any more. Ever since kindergarten, I was very studious, which paid off over the years as I grew and learned new things. In high school, I strived to be valedictorian. While excelling in school paid off for me, I sacrificed new activities because I was so focused on academics. When I started college, I finally felt free to branch out. In the first week, I joined an improv troupe and soon after auditioned for theater productions. I am now working on a computer science/math major with theater and French minors. I have made so many new and true friends who accept for the person I am becoming, not just to be known as the "brainiac". I feel free to express myself at this college and don't feel that I have to conform to fit in. After the first year, I learned to handle campus issues on my own. My mother comments on what a responsible adult I have become and college has helped me to become a better, more tolerant person.
College has been an amazing process for me, and I attribute the fact that I got to go to college early as the sole reason I did well in high school. I began attending our local community college full time my Junior year of high school. Before this time I was just scraping by in boring classes, reading ahead of the book waiting for the rest of the kids to either stop messing around, or catch up. It made me lazy it made me not care, but when I got to college it was the most amazing thing in the world to be challenged again, for people to care about ideas because let's face it by age 18 you should know where to put a comma. I'm more prepared now than ever before, and going to college early gave me the courage to choose an out of state for school, my dream school, because I already knew the work load and was used to it; so I could afford to make the huge social change without fear. And those crazy hard years made me unafraid and ready for the things my peers are still figuring out.
Overall my college experience has been interesting. I feel like I have a second family from my college and feel that the college will help me in almost any way they can. I have joined a sorority and I feel that this is a big reason why I have made so many close friends, my social life at the college is a big reason why I stayed here. College can be very stressful and has its bumps along the way, but getting through it is the main goal. My one goal since middle school was to attend and graduate college. I can't say I would pick Muskingum again for acedemics but I would for the social aspect because of the people I have met. My experience has been good so far but my concern after I graduate is if I will be quilified enough to be accepted for a job in my field and the biggest concern of mine is paying back my student loans. It has been a valuable experience because I have expanded my education level further than expected. I am very proud of my hard work and my accomplishments that I have achieved.
If I were given the chance to go back in time and give myself advice about college, I would first and foremost tell myself to not be afraid to live each moment to it's fullest potential. To step out and get involved. Join clubs and societies. You only live once, and if you live your life in fear, in the end, you will have regrets.
The suggestion I want to tell him most is, ?Do Not Be a Typical Chinese University Student?! Somehow, I really feel kind of frustrated when I gradually become a part of this American University, even if I really do better than most of American students in my class. I would let myself think about what is the most eager thing in heart, except the pride for a good exam grade. I will also tell him this world is more interesting and meaningful than a good score, good attendance or remember formula in text book. Have friends, play with them, and be aware of defects in my personality.
This world is so large. A marvelous country at the other end of the ocean called United States is somewhere I should go and see, no matter what kind of peaceful and common life I want. To know a different lifestyle will save me from an instrumental society fact. But hold myself; unhappiness is from this materialistic world.