Neumont University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Neumont University know before they start?


Save every penny you can and jump on any and every scholarship oppertunity you can. Don't put it off until closer to entering collage. Deadlines appear fast and seemingly out of nowhere and you are always in need of a few extra dollars. Collage is no different from any other school, you make friends, you get homework, but in collage there is a lot more riding on every assignment. Seek help if you need it, don't let your pride injure your grades. Moving is the worst part, you leave your friends and family behind and it hurts for a time but they will always be there rooting for you so dispite how much you miss them it's worth it. Look at your new place a thousand times when you come searching or you will end up cursing the fact you have no clue what to bring or where it will fit. But most of all, have fun and learn a thing or two, it doesn't help to get overly stressed out about anything, take collage seriously just don't kill yourself over one bad test grade.


If i go back to high school first of all i would very happy. Well what i would probrably say to that high school senior is that after you receive that diploma your life will change forever. Your parents will regard you as a different person. You will also be the only one reponsible for you. If you are going to college, being reponsible for you , would be the key to your succes. You will be granted with great freedoms. But with great freedoms comes great reposibilites. But in conclusion what i would say to that college senior is that college is like full time work, and you should treat as that. In weekdays you should always be working. because if you stop working you are going to fail.


Take as many college credit classes as you can in high school and don't slack off. Start college right after high school and know what you want to do. Once you have your mind set, go for it and don't let anyone stop you.