New Mexico Highlands University Top Questions

What should every freshman at New Mexico Highlands University know before they start?


Knowing what I know now, I would go back and tell myself to get my grades up and look in to scholarships sooner. That is the biggest mistake I ever made. It has cost me so much money that I have almost lost the desire to finish school because once I graduate I will be in so much debt from college. I will be over 60,000$ in debt once I graduate school and that has been the most frstrating part of the entire experience.


Read more student reviews and visit the college before you attend because if you don't like it and want to transfer, you have to deal with some credits not transferring. I would have transferred if i could have because I don't like this school at all and someone needs to investigate it.


Dear high school self, Apply for as many scholarships as possible because college expenses add up even with financial aid assistance. Find part time jobs in the field that you want to go into, to gain experience and build on your resume. Start learning how to reference properly in APA style. Go in to the office when you need something because people generally do not like to answer their phones. Buy all your books used online and save the books that are focused on your field of study, they will come in handy when references are necessary. Take advantage of the resources that are available at the college and constantly look for opportunities. Enjoy and have fun being a college student because it will be over before you know it. Be responsible and do not get kicked out of college or fail a class for prioritizing your social life. Be aware that there are so many careers out there that you have never heard of. Do not limit your dreams to fit common careers like a lawyer or a doctor. Search for what fits you best, and I’m sure there is a career to make those dreams a reality.


There are several crucial pieces of advice I wish I could go back and give myself. The first one is that I really needed to find some extra help with math classes instead of just trying to make it through the class itself. I was able to pass all my classes, but because I never gained the best grasp on the concepts I struggle with it now. I've learned the hard way that getting assistance in areas you struggle is essential to success later down the line. The foundation is important. The other major piece of advice would be to explore as many career opportunities as possible while I was in high school so that choosing my major would have been easier. I struggled with choosing and it has put me behind in my graduation date now that I have made up my mind. While in college, I've made a point to be part of clubs and events on campus and it really makes every part of school more enjoyable; more than just passing between classes and doing homework. I'd definitely tell myself to take part in more clubs and events on campus.


College years are best known for the "partying" and what not. Stay focus and keep in mind that the main reason why you go to college is to earn a degree so more doors can be opened. It doesn't mean that you cannot have fun but make school your priority, learn as much as you can and take andvantage of the opportunities given to you because at the end no one else will suffer or benefit from the choices you made but you.


Some advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to take a lot of different class, in different subject, and see if what you want to major in is truly what you want to do. I would also like to tell myself that when you get there to get out and join a club; don't stop yourself or talk yourself out of joining a club or sport because you were afraid. The last thing I would tell myself is to not doubt yourself when you get there, do not doubt what you want to do with your life because when your first year is over and done with their will still be questions that have not be answered and you never know what the next semester will bring you. So over all I would tell myself as a high school senior to broaden your horizon and try something new while you are in a new place and a new situation.


If I could go back in time, I would tell the high school me to work a little harder with the classes that I did have. I would also suggest taking classes at the local colleges, just to get a jump start with my college career. I would have also gotten better study habits before going to college. That is one thing that is very important. I would have also looked and applied for more scholarships. Before attending college I would have thought about what I wanted to study, that way I would have already known and gotten started with the program that I was most interested in.


I have learned a lot about myself in the past 3 years that I have been in college. Not only have I learned more about how to be a good teacher, I finally understand why becoming a teacher is so important. I am passionate about helping students succeed. College has helped me realize how passionate and how important teaching is. Also I have met some of my closest friends in college. College has been a place that I learned what I want to do in the future and it has helped me learn what I should look for in a friend. I think that with out college I would be stuck in life, but instead I am pushing myself to get a degree and make it to a career.


This college has taught me plenty of things. Because the school is quite a drive form where I live, I have experienced living on my own and fending for my self. I now have to buy groceries pay for my schooling and to do this I had aquire a job, granted that it is work study job. This new college experience has also tought me to balance my schooling with my job, my athletics and my studies. Becuase I am on the University's Cross Country team I have to be very persise with balancing out my time.


There is so many things that I would like to tell myself if I had a chance to go back to high school. Well the first thing would be to learn and understand how to manage my time wisely. Managing my time would be helpful for me and my schedule. I think that this would help me with my classes, after school programs and homework. I would also tell myself to ask questions if there were certain concepts that I did not understand. I believe that this would have really helped. I would also have tried to get myself to go to the sessions that they had for college nights. I think if I went it would have really helped me to understand how college is and the different obstacles that are faced. The different road blocks that I am facing in college were similar to high school and college nights would have really helped me. High school was an experience that well help to get to the next level. I would have also told myself to make it a little serious in high school.