I would have told myself to take a math class my senior year. I was told by those that went to college before me to take a math class my senior in order to have your mind fresh for college, but i didn't. i would have also tried to take as many Dual-Credit classes as ossible. that way I would have came into college with a couple credits already. another thing i would have told myself, was that I should start racticing to be a lot more self-disciplined. no one is hear telling to to do your work, it's u to you to do it. that was something i had to learn the hard way. if it was u to me, i would definently go back in time and prepare myself for that.
I would advise myself to study more and read more books.
As a Native American on the Navajo Nation, I would say to my High School Senior self that New Mexico Highlands University is a school that I would enjoy. I would tell my High School Senior self that he would have a great time at Highlands despite being there for half a semester. Over here at the college he would soon join a club called the Native American Club that the Native American students and academic advisors formed. He would interact with other Native American students from local Native American tribes. I would tell him too that he would make friends with other students who aren't Native Americans and are still friends even to this day. I would tell him also that the half semester would be a success and he would make his family proud because he would get straight A's, since he didn't achieve straight A's in High School. I would tell him that to achieve this, he would have to stay focus on your work, turn in the assignments on time, and to ask a lot of questions to your new friends and instructors when you need help. This will lead to success.
As a high school senior, i was ready to graduate and be out on my own. My future plans after high school is to attend college and get my degree in Criminal Justice. I had gotten my acceptance letter from New Mexico Highlands University, and i knew that i was close to being on my own. I was happy to recieve my letter, but i then notice the amount of how much each semester would cost. After seeing the amount of the semester, I wondered to myself how am i going to pay this amount off. I then turned to my senior counselor and asked what can i do to pay this off, she then told me the only way is by scholarships. I picked out as many scholarships as i can and completed them, I read the term and policy of each scholarships and i knew that i would have to work extra hard in order to keep my scholarships. I had to get good grades and stay in school. It would help pay off my expenses, all i need to do is to keep my grades up and fulfill my dream in getting my degree in Criminal Justice.
In high school I was more concerned about where I wanted to go and the school that I could afford to get my four year education. Now that I have completed my first semester in the fall, I have found that an important advice to give myself is to apply for as many scholarships possible and be ahead of the game. Although I am very consistant in my academics, I had trouble with my financial aid and payments. Throughout the semester I have also competed in Rodeo which I also would've told myself to be wise of how I spent my money. The only two advices I really would have told myself is be wise about the money and apply for as many scholarships possible.
Dear Shannon, Be friendly, open-minded, and live in the moment. Enjoy the process of learning and push yourself past any inhibitions. Don't be afraid to show your creativity or imagination. Learn about what it is that makes you happy, pumped-up, and motivated and pursue those interests. Learn to be content with what you have, reach out and be of service to others, because when you do you'll find that all the good of world comes back to you. Always remember to be kind.
Success in school depends upon dedication and a certain amount of discipline. Take care to eat well, sleep enough, and study, study, study. Ask questions! Be curious, and take advantage of the great technology available to you.
Apply for scholarships. There are thousands, and they can really help ease the stress of finances, so that you can concentrate on your studies. Surround yourself with people who bring out your best qualities, are supportive, and positive.
Work when it's time to work, and never forget to play. Keep your sense of humor with you at all times, share what you know, and dream big! You can do it!
If i could go back in time and tell myself as a senior in high school. I would tell myself "That Daniel I know life is hard and you been in this town that you felt like you never belong that's its going to get better. That your going to make great friends, meet your wonderful girlfriend if you stop being afriad to talk to girls. Your going to get better grades because your not surrounded by a lot of negativity. That your going to have great teachers who care about you and be surrounded by people who have the same interest as you to learn about computers like you. That your going to be having so much fun and your so happy you couldn't even dream you could be so happy from years not being happy. Your going to have all you need and want. Also spend more time with your friends your going to really miss them. Oh yea focus on the present not the past."
Try to be as confident and outgoing as possible, enjoy every minute of every day while on campus. Remember why you are in college, and don't let any obstacle overcome you, college is what you make of it! So study hard, get good grades and have a blast!!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have definately given it more thought about what I want to do as far as college but later in life. I would have made myself more of a focused person right from the start. I would have gotten a head start on college classes my senior year of highschool to get ahead. But I am a strong believer on that things happen for a reason, so yes if I could go back I would have a few changes but since I can't I know that I did the things I did and got ready and chose the college I did back when I was in high school for a reason.
I would love to talk to myself back then. I would tell myself to forget New Mexico State University and to just go to Albuquerque's community college because it is cheaper and the NMSU lifestyle of party everynight is not your kind of scene. I was and still am about getting to my future. I don't care to party all night, what matter's most is getting through school and keeping any and all scholarships so that way I don't put myself or my parent into big dept. There is no room to fool around in college if you want to get ahead in life. That would be my biggest advise. I lost my scholarship my freshman year in college because I didn't work hard enough. That's my biggest regret.