One Great aspect of NYU is its location because I am not confined by the typical campus structure found at most universities, but rather am part of a larger urban community where everything, including food, parks and entertainment venues are easily accessible, giving me the opportunity to flourish academically, artistically and professionally. Several significant buildings for incoming freshman are located in the heart of Manhattan and through various NYU academic departments, I can master my crafts and encounter unforgettable experiences everyday. It is the place I?ve always wanted to be and a place I never want to leave.
Blair Waldorf may refer to NYU as a ?glorified state school? filled with students with ironic facial hair ? but NYU is rightfully called a dream school. This is the University where an acceptable ?Welcome Week? activity is ?Guess the Straight Person?; where drawing a student naked could be homework; where an exciting education and non-traditional college experience awaits; where adventures are in front of you (unless you stumble upon a film set, then you need to go around); where the grid of Manhattan is your campus; and where summer is truly the worst part of the year.
This school not only has one of the best drama and film programs, but the whole campus is rich with culture. People from all over the world with varying backgrounds come to this university. As a result, I feel one gains knowledge from multiple perspectives.
The programs are so specific and unique to each major.
NYU is directly embedded in New York City, and has basically colonized the entire island of Manhattan.
NYU is a niche community because we live in the city. There is not much school spirit on campus, as we don't even have a football team. I have probably only been to game in my time being at NY. Greek life is also very small. But living in the city does have it's benefits.
What is unique is that the school is in a city which gives students the opportunity to get internships. And there is always something fun to do whether it's in Washington Square Park or in a museum or even around campus.
New York City! The culture is really unheard of anywhere else in the world, extremely diverse and also friendly. The academics are important, but not in the stuffy Ivy league sort of way
convenience of transportation, more internship opporuntities in the city, shops and cafes everywhere, nightlife, citylife
The truth about NYU is, unless you really love New York or you attend either Tisch or Stern, don't come here. You can more bang for your buck elsewhere. The other expensive private schools will cost less after financial aid, so it's better to just go elsewhere. As someone who is seriously planning on transfering, take it from me. There is good here, but there's a whole bunch bad on all accounts.