Nicholls State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Nicholls State University know before they start?


I would warn myself that people are not always what they seem. It is so easy to get caught up in drama, and it is so easy to fail when you are not paying attention. I'd also tell myself not to rush into big decisions. It's not always as dire as it seems.


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give tons of advice. I would tell myself the knowledge I would be learning and what I need to do to better prepare myself. This would to study more and focus more on my job and my studies. If I would have had a better GPA in high school I would be better off by getting more scholarships to help pay for college. In addition, I would apply for more scholarships and work more to raise the funds needed to fund college. Overall, college is doing great but the one thing that seems to be haunting me is financial need. As a culinary arts major, it requires a lot of time and money to achieve high standards in the foodservice industry. At Nicholls, I will have a chance to go to France, or anywhere in the world to study cuisine on a worldwide setting. This will take more finanical aid that I can provide. Improving my grades and applying for scholarships are two things I would tell myself as a high school senior.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would probably tell myself three things. The first would be to enjoy every single minute of senior year in high school. Thinking about all of the things I could have done but did not makes me a little sad. Secondly, I would tell yself to fill out as many schorlarships as I could. I did recieve some but, of course, I wish that I had more. Money is very important in college. The last thing I would tell myself is to work extra hard in my dual enrollment classes and honors classes in order to prepare myself for college classes.


The best advice I could give myself is to not procrastinate. Most colleges have Priority and Early Application deadlines and taking dvantage of them is crucial. Materials can get lost, you might forget something in the stressful process, and starting and trying to finish early leaves plenty of time to correct any mistakes that might occur becuase once it comes down to the last few days of the regular application process it could be the difference between you attending that semester or not. This also applies to registering for classes each semester. Once registration opens everyone rushes to get the classes they want/need and if you procrastinate you will end up not being able to take that needed class to graduate.


Knowing what I know now and having the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would refresh my heart of Proverbs 19:21. (Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21) I would have informed myself that the college I thought I should go to, is not the college God had preferred me to attend. I need to listen to what I feel He is telling me in my heart. My freshman year of college I was suffering at a campus that was not fulfilling to my spirit, I went there because of a scholarship for music, but because the opportunity was not to play my talents for the Father, I felt no purpose, joy or fulfillment. I am now trusting in God in this new opportunity I have been given, and although I spent a year of my life in a place I didn’t need to be, I know God used it in a way to help me grow in Him, and to learn to trust in Him so much more.


I would tell myself to take school more seriously. Stare at the computer screen if you have to complete your work as long as you get it done. I would also say there is always time for fun don't think that you are going to miss out on something if you decide to turn down a trip to walmart or to the ice cream shop, even if you do your friends will tell you about it.


So far out of my college experience I have gained knowledge; it's not the knowledge you would expect, such as academic knowledge, but the knowledge of life and its power. I have learned that procrastination gets you no where, unlike in high school where it might have gotten you a B minus. I have learned that wether you attend the class or not, you are still expected to take finals and pass. I also learned valuable life lessons, and I hope to keep gaining this experience in other ways. Sure the academics have been a little different than high school, but college is actually preparing you for real life, unlike high school. The value to attend school, well it is priceless. College has made me into a different, more likeable person. Of course it is hard to adjust to college, but once you do it is fine. The envirnoment is just different, and the things about life (not just academics) that you learn will be with you for the rest of your life. Plus, a degree is a degree is a degree, and those things are worth something now a days!


I met so many new people of all races and ethnicities. College has definitely been an eye-opener to what the "real world" is all about. Going to college taught me how to be independent and how to manage money, which will truly become useful later in life as I pursue higher education. At Nicholls State University, I joined Delta Zeta Sorority. Through the sorority alone, I met ninety-three new ladies of different cultures and ethnicities. The sorority also taught me money management as dues had to be paid on time monthly. I would highly encourage others to become involved in their university's academic and social programs.


I get to meet new people everyday. Its so much different from highschool you have to grow up fast. Your professors are not on you like in highschool. Its vauleable because your in a setting with people of different views and cultures, where you just learn so much its priceless!


I learned a broad area of skills and philosophy that helped me become more open to the different ways of the world. There are so many ideas that I would never have considered before, and it helps me realize who I am and what I stand for.