Nicholls State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Nicholls State University know before they start?


"College is an option" describes my friends' attitudes of college after graduating high school. To my friends, college is the biggest waste of money and time. After graduating, I knew higher education would eventually lead me down a road that I couldn't get to without higher education. My college experience has led me down a difficult road. I am a typical poor college student working two jobs and living off of eighty-nine cents cans of noodles while my friends have government jobs that allow them to dine at nicer places. I am your typical college student working hard, making ends meet, pushing my limits, and testing my strengths. But through difficult times, I have learned that higher education will allow me to succeed not only in educational circumstances but in life. My college experience has had its ups and downs but ultimately higher education has taught me life lessons that exceed beyond the classroom such as financial budget, my strengths and weaknesses, pushing myself to limits and ultimately to believe in myself and the better financial status I will have in future years. Thanks for considering me for this.


While college was certainly not THE defining experience of my life, it has certainly has been a contributing factor. Through my college experience, I met fantastic people, made lasting connections, and built relationships that have helped me to continue my educational journey. I was fortunate enough to hold two different campus jobs, and both put me in contact with different people and allowed me to explore multiple interests and career paths. While my major, English, was not designed to prepare me for a a certain career, the classes I took prepared me for thinking through real-world situations; evaluating arguments for myself; relating to other people; and taught me how to really listen to what other people say--true communication, an invaluable skill in any situation. But ultimately, the people with whom I shared four years of my life--fellow students and professors--helped to create a truly amazing experience. They were there to talk with, to learn from, to share successes but also failures. They were there to inspire me to attain my goals and to grow personally and professionally; I had the same effect on them. Earning a degree was just a bonus.


When deciding on a college to attend, there are several factors to keep in mind. Location, by finding out the geographic location of a school, it can help you determine its cliamte. If you like warm weather, you would benefit from attending a college located in the south. If you like seasonal weather, you may prefer attending a school located in the west coast. Crime rate;I believe that all college students who venture out of their home town want to go somewhere safe, research the crime rate in the area(s) for the college(s) you are looking into. When you choose a college, make sure it is a school you take interest in, do not choose a college just to follow your friends. When you start college, join clubs/organizations and become active,and if you experience academic difficulties, seek extra help from your instructors and the toutoring center. If you experience personal issues that become overwhelming, visit your school's counseling center. If you think an instructor is difficult within the fisrt week of class, change your instructor immediately, because the work will become more difficult as the samester goes on. Do not procrastinate.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself not to stress so much, and that every thing can be worked out, no matter how hard. I would tell myself that I will have to keep trying, keep pushing forward, and can't let myself stay down if i fall. Its scary, but you won't be alone. There will always be someone there to help you. You can do it. Its nothing like high school, true, but isn't that whats so apealing about college? Its okay if it means you'll be away from the family for long periods of time. They're only a half-hour drive away. Nothing is too difficult if you try, so don't give up; Ever.


I would tell myself that college is a lot harder than high school. You have to study a lot harder, write a lot more, research almost all semester long, read a lot faster, and do all of this while working so you can put gas in the car to get you to school. It is a lot of work, but it is also worth it. You meet new people, learn many new things, and find a piece of yourself with every passing semester.


If I would go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself many things. First of all I would remind myself that college is nothing like high school. You need to apply yourself more and study more then you normally do. Second, ?Nothing is more important than your studies,? would be the second thing I tell myself. Your friends will be there tomorrow and on the weekends for you to spend time with, and when it comes to your school work you need to apply yourself to that first. Finally, I would give myself tips I have learned since I started college. One is study every day not the night before an exam. Another, pace yourself and set goals, if I would not have done this I would have been so stressed out and would not have gotten much accomplished. Those are the things I would want to tell myself if I could go back in time to my Senior year.


Take a deep breath, relax, and smile. College isn't like what you see on television and it is nothing like you've ever heard. It isn't impossible! Sure, you are entering into one of the most competitive nursing schools there is, but it is not impossible. Don't sit back and let the experience pass you by--prepare for every test and you will succeed. Four years of your life is just a blink of an eye--don't think that you are missing out on the best parts of life if you choose to stay in and study rather than go out for a night on the town with your friends! You are a strong minded, wise, and intelligent girl who can do anything she sets her mind to. You can do this. You just have to have faith in yourself and you WILL rise to the occasion.


Take the time to learn to study. It's not possible to pass college classes by just showing up and paying attention.


I f I were to be able to go back in time, and talk to myself when I was a senior in high school, I would not only tell myself to stay on top of studies and to be prepared for college life. I would also tell myself to enjoy every minute of highschool, before it's gone. High school was a chapter of my life, that taught me alot of life lessons. Knowing that I'm done with high school, helps me realize how fast my college experience is going to be.. I also miss high school because it was worry free, compared to college. High school was somewhat 'easy' for me, and I miss that. College is a 'full-time' job, that requires over time. So, I would advise myself to enjoy high school while I can, and not to rush.


Finding the right college can be hard. I choice mind because it had the best nursing program in the state; it was just a plus that it was so close to home that I would not have to leave home. College can be overwhelming at times but thats no reason to not join some kind of club. At my school they have clubs you can join where you can meet people who are going for the same major as you and they also have clubs like sororities, honor society, etc. I joined a sorority because the girls are always there for me when I need advise or help with school work. No matter which club you may join you will always have people willing to help. Even people out of the clubs are there to help as well.