I would advice other student to find the right college based upon what their personal interest is. Do not go somewhere based upon your relationship status with a certain person, college is for continuing education and you will not always be sure that the person you are going to college for will be there for you in the future.
The college experience is basically what you can make out of it own your own. Becareful with the people in which you interact with and with the same aspect, have fun. Remember that every grade counts in the end and the end product will always be because of you.
Make sure that your child or you will ACTUALLY be comfortable here for the next couple of years because its harder to transition to a new school once you have already attended another. Credits get taken away, all the monies that you will be spending have to be encorporated and you have to ask yourself "Is this where i really want to be?"
Do your research first and early, about 10th grade, Visit the campuses together and ask to see the dorm rooms. Also, get to know what the campus is about if it is local by attending some of the events and games. Once that is done decide based off your morals what is best for you.
Research is the most important thing in looking for a college to attend. Knowing if they have your major is very important. Residence, population, enivornment and diversity are just as important. I attend Norfolk State University because I wasn't brought up with a lot of African American kids. I wanted to experience my cultere and be able to grasp what I have been missing. Finding the school of your dreams is very important, but if you get stirred the wrong way, transferring is still an option. The most important thing about attending college is the experience. In college you will meet life-long friends, you get to network and have life-long memories. However, college is more than building a social life, we go to college to better oursleves and learn.
I would like to tell prosepctive students to research the colleges they are considering. They should also consider the tuition and scholarships. Really look inside of yourself and discover your passion and your dreams and goals in life. Then make the best decision based on your personality, dreams, and financial status. However, do not let money be the main factor. You can always get scholarships or financial aid. Once you get into the college that compliments you, make sure you do as much as possible. Do not let fear get in your way. You will never be able to tap into the full you unless you "just do it." So far as class work, work with students to complete work and study. They will motivate you at times hen you can't motivate yourself. And you have to take the extra steps to learn the material. You will have to apply more time and you will have to go out of your way to get the teachers help.As far as your social life, just do as many activites as possible . If you do those things I promise you will have a great time.
to find the right college is to visit and spend a couple of days there and see how the class setting is and how the social life is. to make most of your college life is to meet new people, get involved in school activities.
I would say taking your finances into consideration is very important. you don't want to come out of school with a bunch of loans to have to take care of, especially if you have plans to continue your education after undergrad. It is important to attend a school that will offer enough scholarships and financial aid to cover your tuition and expenses, or find outside scholarships to cover whatever financial aide does not. I was fortunate enough to have enough financial aide and enough scholarships to where i was basically getting PAID to go to school. There is no greater feeling than receiving a refund check! I would also say campus participation is very important to the college experience. this is how you meet new people and make friends for life! it also looks great on your grad school application and shows that you were well rounded.
When choosing a college I should always be a long thought out decision. You should alway choose the college that best fits what type of school you are looking for, you should never choose a school just because of friends are attending. As for the experience, you should have fun and enjoy the experience but remember you are in school and that is the main priority....my moto is "Asmuch as you have fun you should study twice as hard"
Research your school very carefully before enrolling.
Do the best you can in high school so that financial aid will not be a problem. Go for the schools that offer the most benefits for you and what you want for your future. Study different colleges and dont just accept the first one that accepts you. Good luck!!!