North Carolina A & T State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about North Carolina A & T State University!


What is unique about my school is the school spirit it carrys acorss this country. "Aggie Pride"


The sense of community.


Our school is focused on networking and success. At this school, no one is concerned about how different your major is because we believe that is the chosen area you chosed to succeed in. And with that, we believe in networking in helping each other gain experience in reaching our goals.


My school is extremely school spirited and although it is a historically black university, an individual of any race would feel welcome. My school also has a great orientation and welcoming program for new students to help them better adjust and achieve academic excellence.


I love the atmosphere that is at A&T, I felt at home when I visited the campus. I feel like I belong. it's a great feeling to belong somewhere


When I went to tour North Carolina A&T State University, I was in the middle of my senior year and already decided on a school and it was not North Carolina A&T . After my tour I was amazed by the family atmoshpere at the school and changed my mind due to the fact that A&T is a growing school and the campus atmosphere is not stuck in the history of the campus like other HBCU's, it takes the history that it is founded on and expands on it to strive for greatness.


At North Carolina A & T State University, they actual care about whether you pass or fail a class. They provide plenty of help for you, and prepare and prep you for acadmeic success.


This school is for dominated by African-American.


My university is unique because we have AGGIE PRIDE! I have never been on another campus with as much school pride as mine. It makes me smile with delight when someone asks me where I go to school and are familiar with our chants and cheers because of how powerful our energy is as a group.


The unity among the students , we all want to help each other succeed.