North Carolina State University at Raleigh Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Student Wolfpack Club, Greek Life. I am involved with a sorority. yes and no. Athletic events are what students live for. I met my closest friends from my sorority. Homework. Pac-a-thon, parents weekend, unc game. People generally part Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Greek Life is not as big on State's campus as it is on other campuses, but with the formation of new greek court and other marketing tools it will get better. Last weekend I went out one night and stayed in the next to catch up on hw. Movie and dinner?


I spend most of my time in Student Government, working with students, faculty, and administration to determine what issues are prevelant within the community and what we can do to fix them. SG is not just people interested in politics, but people who are passionate about helping students and making NC State an even greater University. There is always a host of guest speaker and lecture opportunities on campus and in the surrounding community. As part of the Research Triangle Park and NC Capital city, NC State is able to draw tremendous intellectuals and leaders in numerous fields. These are generally free, or at least very low cost, for students to attend. As far as athletics is concerned, football, basketball and baseball are huge events for students. We have the privilege of a great tailgating lot for football and basketball events, which many people take advantage of. However, as part of the ACC, we also have many other tremendous athletic teams and many very competitive club sports opportunities. For athletic wins and other major accomplishments, we light our Belltower red for the night. There are always ample party opportunities off campus whether at fraternities/sororities, clubs or private apartments. However, there are also many opportunities for students which do not include partying or drinking. Residence hall staff almost always have weekend activities for students to participate in, there are theatre and music productions, an on-campus cinema and many other activities along the streets on either side of campus.


The most popular groups or organizations at NCSU would be the athletic teams, as the events are very popular. There is a Greek scene, but it is not overwhelming as the majority of students are not in sororities or fraternities. There are many cultural events and movies that popular at NCSU taking place in Witherspoon campus cinema. While you would have no problem finding a party on any given night, the most popular nights to go out are Thursday, Friday and Saturday.