North Central Texas College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend North Central Texas College?


A person that should not attend this college would be someone that does not want to learn. North Central Texas College provides an environment that encourages learning. There are many opportunities that they provide for students that will help them learn. The instructors are willing to help with students and most classes offer group tutoring sessions that provide a prime envorinment for students to get together and learn from each other. They also have a student success center that offers seminars for students to learn how to study and how to manage their time between classes and other everyday activities.


The Community college is a great place to start. However the people who should not attend are the ones who do not care or work for an education. Almost anyone can go to and should go to NCTC, but if they are not going to work for a future , then it would a waste of money and time.


People that do not have the motivation to keep up with their classes should not attend the school. There is no point in paying for college courses if you are just going to skip class, and not do the work. If a four year college is not your thing then try a vocational /trade school where the programs do not have as many classes as a four year program would. People get by just as well finacialy and sometimes better than college graduates with a vocation education. College students need inner motivation.


Anyone who is not willing to take on responsibility and finish work on time should not attend NCTC. Niether should those who do not care to study for exams.