North Central University Top Questions

What should every freshman at North Central University know before they start?


If I had the chance to go back to High School and give myself an advice I would tell my self, study extra hard, take all my class seriously. Get good grades and do PESO, take all the generals you need before going into college.


I would first and formost tell myself to take my studies as a high school student seriously. Your work quality definitely affects the scholarships you're going to be given as well as the opportunities in college. If you don't have a great work ethic, you are going to spend a lot of time waiting inbetween just to try and get back to college. I'd definitely tell myself to take advantage of the study opportunities given. I'd say that I'd need to hit the books harder even if at all. All the social time you spend engaging in during your senior year truly ammounts to nothing! You don't take that with you after high school. You are all going to go your seperate ways & you're not going to even see eachother again, really. So, don't invest your time in being a social butterfly. It's your last year, give it your all.


Do not procrastinate! You should make a checklist of everything you need to hand in before school starts. This includes FAFSA, payments, housing, etc. Also fill numerous of scholarship applications. The amount shouldn't matter; every bit counts. If you have a job, save money. Try to buy items you may need for school or your dorm. Also keep track of all the deadlines. Turn everything in on time. One last advice is, select the best college for yourself. Visit all the colleges you are interested in and pick the one you are most comfortable with.


I would tell myself to keep pushing through and keep the grades higher than they were, even though they were not bad. I would remind myself how much college would be and just to really try my hardest to get the best grades that I possibly could. And to have fun in college and work hard, but relax sometimes, you won't be able to do everything you want to but enjoy the time!


I have gotten a new sense of responsibility from my college experience. College is very different from high school, there isn't anyone there telling you that you have to attend class every day. College is also a lot more expensive than high school. It is very important to attend college to understand what it's like to be a grown up. If I wasn't enrolled in college, I wouldn't have any idea just how hard life can be at times. Attending college is more important than ever right now due to the economy. There aren't many jobs available nation wide, but they seem slightly more attainable with a college degree.


Quality relationships with the students in dormlife have been the greatest value to me at this school. I have learned many things about myself and my outlook on life and relationships while I have been here.


I got the degree I needed to continue my education. I also found it quite valuable to leave home and move far away, giving myself a chance to develop in a new social realm. Even more important than the classroom lessons were the lessons I learned about myself. I was able to learn what I wanted to keep from my upbringing, and what new perspectives I wished to incorporate. Ultimately, "going away to college " allowed me to examine myself and my beliefs, and develop my own worldview with which to enter my adult life.


Although I am only in my 2nd semester of my freshman year, I have already matured so much from my college experience. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is that college really isn't as hard as many people make it out to be. The key to success is staying on top of your homework, saying no to those friends who always distract, and learn to prioritize everything. The freedom which college brings is not always as freeing as I thought. With freedom comes paying for things out of your own pocket, remembering all your scheduled events, and difficult decisions that are made without a parent guiding your every move. But, each and every experience has been immensely valuable and will help guide me in my future endeavors.


I would start out with saying, "Brittney, you need to stop spending all that money on things you don't need!" College is an extremely different world than high school will ever be. Being a senior in high school means you're the 'top dog' of the whole entire school. That isn't the case once you become a college student. There are so many more responsibilites that you take on as a college student than you did as a 17 year old. Money, money, money becomes a huge part of your everyday life. Do I need this? Should I get that? Living on a college income hit me really hard once I got here. I worked all the time when I lived back home, but spent the money on fast food, clothes, or going out to the movies. Thankfully, I am responsible and in control of my finances now. I limit myself to the needs instead of the wants. Also I would give myself advice about starting to make friends right away. I'm a social person, but extremely shy. Finances and friends are important in anyones life. We just need to learn that balance between them.


Step out of your comfort zone. You may be shy, but how are you going to be ok away from everything you know if you don't step out? Try new things, make new friends, stay up late, be a college student. You only have four years to experience this season in your life. Make the most of it.