North Central University Top Questions

What should every freshman at North Central University know before they start?


Your friends in high school may have been cruel, but not all people are so untrustworthy. In fact, you will find that a great many people are trustworthy. These are the relationships that make life worthwile. Take time to cultivate them and pour into them and these will end up being the people who fight for your dreams after you've given up on them. The risk of sharing your heart, scary as it may seem, is worth the depth of friendship that it produces. On that note, keep in mind that no risk managements tend to run no win businesses. As for school, work hard. Take every opportunity to learn and better yourself. Learn to accept criticism and grow from it. But do not allow yourself to become a slave to your GPA. Remember that what you do with the things you have now, will determine your advancement or lack thereof. It's really an issue of character....your character off-stage is far more important than, and will determine how you lead on-stage. Oh, and keep it all in perspective, this semester is only one semester in a lifetime semesters and similar enjoy the moment.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior the most important thing I would tell my self is to take my school work seriously. In high school it is so easy to focus on work, sports, and relationships and put off school work. The problem with this thinking is that your accomplishments in high school follow you into your college years. The GPA and study habits that you had in high school most likely indicate who you will be in college.The second most important tip I would give is while having a job and a car in high school is fun and leads to some great times, if you just blow the money you make on those great times you have really just created a chain of bad habbits. You never realize how much of that money you could have saved untill you need it. The final word of advise I would give is to keep your friends close. Sometimes in college the only thing you really need is someone to call back home.


If I were to go back to my senior year and talk to myself, I would tell myself to calm down. I was so afraid of life after High School that I didn't take the risks I should have. I didn't trust the Lord and allow Him to take control, and while I believe I'm at Sandburg for a reason, I know it isn't where I was supposed to be. If I could go back, I'd convince myself to get the loans and assure myself that even if they did get rejected I would be alright. I have had a great college experience, don't get me wrong. But I know it would be a completely different experience in Minneapolis as opposed to in Galesburg. Less stressing and tears would have been a great way to end my senior year, so that is what I would do. I would hit my own palm against my forehead and say, "Taylor! Take a chill pill and do it!"


It's time to learn not to worry, but let give everything to God - put them in His hands.


After experiencing about a year of college, I have realized how much students grow when making the transition from a high school senior to a college freshman. If I could give advice to myself as a high school freshman, it would be to learn how to save your money and manage your finances well. Once starting college, you become accountable for yourself, your actions, and your financial decisions. I wish that I would have been smarter with my money and saved up for times that I may be in need. Summer jobs are a great time and place to earn money and save it for future expenses. I would also advise myself not to worry about what everyone else is doing. My college and career choices will directly affect me and my decisions in the future. I would tell myself to set aside time to figure out my future plans and then to stick to them. Goals are also important because they give you something to look forward to in the future. Overall, I would remind myself to continue looking forward and to press on towards the final goal.


To have a better future, and be the first one in my family to complete high school and hopefully graduate college with my Associates Degree.


Going back and giving myself advice as a high school senior, I would make it clear that keeping the end in mind is important. Thinking about decisions you currently make and the effect that they will have on your ultimate goal is highly benificial. When doing this many things can be accomplished. Saving money with the decision of classes, starting friendships and relationships with people who will matter in your life, and preventing situations that will set you back in your plans are all rewarding outcomes to keeping your end goal in mind with each step you take toward it. Trying to reach a goal with a blindfold on wandering through a maze trying to find it is no way to approach it. By keeping the end in mind, it is the most benificial way to reach it. What could be better than constantly being reminded of what your working for and confirming how important it is to you.


I would say that it college is amazing and some of the best years of your life, but it is not going to be easy. I would inform myself that the world is a lot bigger than I think and that there are a lot of amazing people out there that I should build relationships with to improve my own life. Do not be afraid to take chances every once in a while because some of the biggest regrets can be that you did not take the chance. Do not pack too many clothes. Leave the extra pair of underwear at home. The closets are not that big at college. Save! Save! Save! College is not cheap and any help a college student can get should take advantage of it. Also, if post secondary classes are offered while in high school, take advantage of it. In the long run it will save you a lot of time and money. One last piece of advice that I would give myself is to enjoy it. College is meant to be a time for fun and freedom, but also a time to better yourself and your education.


I would tell my self to be etter and take more classes that cont towrd my collage degree. For example be a PSEO student. Meaning that you take collage classes your senior year and not the high school leavel classes.


I would tell my self to go to college sooner, rather then waiting till I was 30.