Follow your heart and even if you decide to change what you want in life, it's okay just continue on going
Chose your school that makes you happy dont listen to what other people want its your education and you life you need to be comfortable in order to succeed.
Visit colleges! If you don't have the money to do that, message people on facebook and ask them questions directly about their experiences. Be sure to talk to more than just one person. Everyone has different experiences in college! When talking to the university itself, don't be afraid to ask questions! If someone doesn't seem to answer your question, find someone else who will.
Making the most out of the college experience can be difficult, but the best thing to do is surround yourself in the life of the university. Get a job on campus if you need one, join a club that you're interested in, go to many of the social events - even if they seem stupid. The point is to meet people and develop relationships which will be beneficial to not only have a supportive environment, but a start on networking as well. You should have fun, but the most important thing is to learn from every one and everything.
I suggest a visit to a college or university prior to enrollment. This provides one with the necessary knowledge to form an opinion or feeling as the the appropriatness of attending the college or university. If during a visit, a certain place feels right, then one should go there. If one prefers a school in an urban setting, go to a school in an urban setting. To feel the most comfortable at a school, it is important to enjoy the people and one's surroundings.
When I decided to seek further education after finishing my Associate Degree in a small Community College, it was important to me to get involved with a University that would have an excellent line of professors. North Park offered me and option of continuing my education in small group classes, which in result it meant I was getting more desired attention from the professors. The faculty in NPU surpassed my expectations. It was true I was overload with homework at times. At the same time, however, I was learning and I was motivated to learn like never before.
One other important aspect in my college education was its ethical and spiritual aspect. Two classes in studying religion gave me an educational, fundamental knowledge about all religions. It helped me to open up to others. It also empowered me to seek the best for myself and be best for others.
In order to choose the best university possible first look at the library and other various resources the school has to offer. The size and selection of the university?s library will dictate your next four years of education.
The second item to look at is the credentials of the professors in your department. Various questions will help such as; have the professors excelled in his/her field? Have the professors won any outstanding awards? Have the professors written any related books? If yes then buy one and read it.
Also with the faculty, ask for a private meeting with one or two of your plausibly new professors. This will show how free and available the staff is. This also shows how dedicated the department is to incoming students, furthering education, and to the student?s personal wellbeing.
With these few tips choosing a college that is right for you will be a little easier. Always look for what you want and what you need out of a college experience.
Don't just sit in your room. Go out and meet new people. It is much easier for an extravert to fit into any new situation. For the introverts, join clubs, go outside to do your homework when it's nice, and get to know the people in your class.
Also, be careful who you become friends with. There are a lot of kids that go crazy because it's the first time they don't have to answer to their parents. Those are the kids that you want to stay away from. In Chicago, they can get you into trouble, a lot of trouble.
The greatest piece of advice I can give regarding choosing the right college, is to visit. A college visit is really the only way you can get a true feel of what it would be like to attend a school. It allows you to see what kinds of people go there, how the classes are, what it feels like to walk around campus, things that a viewbook can't always accurately describe. After going on a few college visits, it definitely reduced the number of schools that I applied to, as I had discovered that I didn't really care for the atmosphere I experienced while there. In order to make the most of the college experience, I would advise getting involved and stepping out of your comfort zone. The best way to transition well into college, is to meet new people. Signing up for clubs and groups, getting involved in intramural sports, and trying something that you may not have previously considered doing is the best way to jump right into college, and where I met most of my best friends. Don't travel home every weekend, because it limits your ability to make solid friendships.
I think college is such a formational time in ones life and not to mention a very expensive part of ones life. When looking for the right college you have to find the right one that you feel most conected with. There is no reason for you to spend +$20,000 a year to go to a place where you are not happy. So my advice to anyone searching for a school would be visit the school and ask current students what they really really like and what they really really dislike about the university. When you are listening to the answers weigh the importance of the things they are sharing. One last thing I would impart is that if a school really fits you and they have a weaker program in your field maybe you should try the school and wait out at least one semester. Sometimes when you visit and you feel like it is right the major you want to study may not be the major you want to finish in.
Figure out who you are before you figure out what college is right for you. You cannot go into a college or university setting not knowing what type of person you are or want to be. Also, it is not worth attending a school unless it is the one you want to be at. Going for family ties or cheap tuition is a quick way to figure out you're at the wrong school.