North Park University Top Questions

What should every freshman at North Park University know before they start?


Research, research, research. And college visits. No matter how perfectly you think a college fits you, if the college campus and campus life doesn't excite you, you aren't going to enjoy yourself.


I would tell them to look at as many schools as possible so that they can find the right one for them.


Go where you want to go regardless. Live your life to the fullest of its potential. Find a school that would change you into a better person to help the world. Don't allow anything to stop you from your dreams. Seek after the dreams and go change the world. The college you pick should help you do this.


The most important advice for students searching for their future college is that the best way to know if a college is right for you is to visit. When you walk on any college campus you will immediately begin to notice aspects of the campus that impress you and others that don't impress. Take careful note of the qualities of, and the programs on each campus that you both like and dislike. College visits begin to run together in your head and it will be difficult to remember each campus accurately if you don't take notes. Parents, allow your students to make their choice based on the aspects of the campus that are important to them. Although you have an important part in this decision as well you will probably paying for some or most of the experience, it is important that the student make the decision. Counsel your student to make the best decision they can based on all the information gathered in the college visits. Ultimately, it is the student who will have to deal with the consequences of the college decision so it is important that they choose the right school for them.


The best advice I can give is to really research a school before you plan to attend that school. I f you are planning on majoring in Science, go check out the science labs. I fyou plan on majoring in art go check out the art studio. Plan a visit to the campus where you can stay for a few days to really get a feel for what campus life is really like. Also go to a school that is a comfortable distance away. I am from California and go to school in Chicago, airplane tickets are expensive, so this distance was a little inconvienent. The best advice though is to be involved, if your not involved then you don't meet people and if you don't meet people then you don't make friends. One of the main reasons college is sooooo expensive is because you are not only paying for an education but also for the job connections you will make during this time.


Finding the right college takes a variety of parts to really make the appropriate choice. I at first was only focused on the academic side of my choice, and that is indeed essential. College is also a time when many people make the moves and decisions that will be for the rest of their lives. I think therefore it is just as essential to chose a place that is the right climate to habituate us into the things or virtues that we would need for the rest of their lives. For example, you may want to go to school for philosophy, and you could go to a school with a excellent reputation is philosophy; or you could choose a school as well provides the right conditions in which the learning of the subject into something that becomes something so much fuller. Also as a personal recommendation, choose a school where not only are there quality teachers but those that have enough time. My most impactful times of learning have not been in the classroom with the teacher, but outside of it, when you can not only be taught, but mentored. That is really the essence of learning.


I would tell parents to help there childern do ther homework on the school they are thinking about going to and if posble visit the schools to get a better I idea of what goes on at that school. I would allso tell studtes to do there homework and find out as mouch as thay can about the school before applaying. I would allso advice students not to just applay to one school in hopes that they will get it but, rather apply to two or three that way if a school says no , then there are still some posable doors oppen.


Dig real deep into the different choices so that you make sure that you find the right school that fits you.


Encourage your child with pursuing a college that best meets their needs. Anticipate that their major will change, probably a few times, and that they're not going to know what they want to do with their life. Find a school that best prepares them for life; one that makes them a well-rounded individual that is talented in many areas. Push them to choose a school outside of their comfort zones, but one that you can see your child flourishing in. Most importantly, tell them you're proud of them and that you support them with whatever their decision is, and be HONEST in saying that and let your actions reflect that, too. Although they're moving away, they still need you.


In finding the right college for your son, daughter, or yourself think about what is most comfortable for you. Ask yourself the questions: Would you be comfortable living closer to home? Would you rather live on a large campus or smaller campus? Do you like to drink alcohol and party? Do you want to go to a private or public college or university? Do you feel like you are in a safe environment? Also think about ways you can ease your comfort level at school. Join a club or extra curricular activity. Doing research on schools will benefit you in many ways. One thing that will really give you a better idea of what you want in a college is to do an overnight visit with a student on campus. I know many campuses have students that offer overnight stays in their room, so take advantage of that! Visit as many schools as you can and imagine yourself being there!