Northeastern University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Northeastern University? Why?


I wish they would let you take more credits than 16 a semester. Especially if the courses you are in are a lighter work load.


The worst thing about the school is that sometimes because of the large population, the classes are large and it might be hard to get attention in some places. Even then, the teachers are available for extra help when students need it. I like the cultural and ethnic variety of the school, but sometimes I feel that it the lecture classes are too large.


Since i'm an evening student I wish there were more administratative services open until later.


It is Boston and not Pittsburgh, which is where I'm from.


I think the worst thing about my school is that there are so many activities that I want to try and I dont have enough for all of them. For example, my freshman year I joined the physical therapy club, the kappa delta sorority, and the cheerleading team. I wanted to join more clubs but there was not enough time in my day.


The school is a big ball of red tape. Students refer to the process of running from office to office trying to get something done as the "NU Shuffle."


There isn't a lot of school spirit when it comes to sports. I wish this school had more spirit when it came to football and basketball games.


Because of the size of my school, it is sometimes hard to get individual attention for problems (academic, financial, social). This can also mean that it is easier for students to get away with things such as cheating and drinking. You often get the run around when calling different offices with questions and it can take a long time to find the answers that you are looking for. The size also impacts class size - they are very large for the most part which can have a negative impact on learning. Also the cost. :)


I think that everyone may have a different answer for this question but personally I believe that the housing at Northeastern costs way too much. Living on campus is a wonderful way to keep in touch with the college community as well as the surrounding towns, but the costs outweigh the benefits in this case. The cost of living on campus for a semester is more than what some families pay every month for a home!


There is really nothing bas one can say about Northeastern, as they do everything in their power to aid students. However Northeastern is costly even in their Fast Track Program.