Northern Arizona University Top Questions

Describe the students at Northern Arizona University.


My classmates are extremely friendly. Generally, people are very welcoming and open to study sessions and group work. It is also very easy to make friends in classroom settings. People are also very studious when they have to be, which makes it easier to encourage yourself to work harder.


We all want to help each other out, because we're all in the same boat!


My classmates are fun, social, and enthusiastic about their school work as well as school activities.


My classmates are generally nice and interested in learning.


There is so much diversity here at NAU, each person is unique and expresses themselves freely.


Most of my classmates are of different backgrounds as me.


In one sentence, my classmates are very unique people; of course you have your friendly people and your not so friendly people, but all in all the students up here are either here for the studying. . . or here for the partying.


Everyone is from a different background, so describing them would be like describing the United States - everyone is different in their own right.


My classmates are very intelligent students who are very active in learning about their surroundings and busy planning for their future careers.


Diverse, friendly, and warm, would be the best words to describe my classmates.