Northern Arizona University Top Questions

Describe the students at Northern Arizona University.


My classmates at NAU , for the most part, are intelligent, spontaneous people who can make me feel really great about myself almost all the time; in short, my classmates are my family.


very attminated by they way i look, and sound. They judge a person before they get to now them


The majority of my classmates are unknown to me. I take mostly online classes so my classmates can be from anywhere in the world and any age. I currently have a female classmate in my Spanish class that is located in Paris. It is hard to get to know them, when you don't have a face to put to the name. Most of the classmates are there to work and we don't get to bond like in a regular classroom setting.


My classmates have always been very nice to me, opening doors, sharing notes, forming study groups, and helping in any way they can. We are all in the same position and want to do the best we can.


A multitude of colorful people all looking for their own piece of mind.


My classmates are strong minded, willing to help eachother in any way they can, artistic, smart, athletic, talented and they are always just themselves.


Great people from all walks of life, its amazing to meet such diverse people.


I have many class mate, and many that I dont even talk to. Some of my old grade school friends have enrolled in Northern Arizona University and taking some classes with me. This is the only time I talk to any classmates.


They're friendly and willing to form study groups.


My classmates are diverse in personalities and interesting.