Northern Arizona University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The classes. Unlike most universities, Northern Arizona University has classes with reasonable class size. It makes it easier to learn. The teachers are available to work one on one giving you the best possible education you can recieve. The professors are their for you, to give you the most for your college education.


I find the staff very helpful and organized. If I need an answer to some question I can always find it.


the best thing about our school is the people. All the students and faculty have come from aound the world to come here. partially becase it is cheap, and partially because of its reputation as a green campus. The people on campus are so diverse that there is little to no predjudice, ethnic profiling, or teasing or taunts of any matter. There has never been fights between students on our campus. evryone respects the other because of the attitude that we have created as a student body together


I think that the best thing about NAU is that the faculty and staff are very nice, understanding and willing to help their students . If the faculty or staff can not help with a specific question then he/she will find out information for you and help you connect with the right person and not pass you around from person to person!


The best thing about my school Northern Arizona University (NAU) is that my school is very open to diversity. In order to feel comfortable you have to feel liked and welcomed by your school and I feel that NAU does a great job of welcoming it's students. This attitude insures a safe learning experience for it's students. NAU does a great job to make students feel they are wanted and liked. Such a relationship encourages students such as myself to strive for a great learning opportunity. This is what's great about attending NAU.


How interactive and helpful ALL of the staff are.


The best thing about my school would be its ideal location in a pristine environment, suitable for expanding the scope of ones academic goals. The school is located in Flagstaff Arizona, nestled amongst the pristine mountains of the San Fransisco peaks. The area is rich in history and neighbors the Navajo Indian reservation. Culturally diverse, environmentally progressive, quiant and historically preserved, Northern Arizona Universities spot on the map, Flagstaff Ariozna, is the best thing about my school. A serene environment allows for the mind to grow and the soul to flourish.


I think that the best thing about Northern Arizona University would be the area in which the campus is located and the size of the school. NAU is located in the forest, allowing students to be in nature. The school also is close to the mountains so students can go snowboarding, and Sedona to play in the creeks. This university is located in a small town, however it is 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} a college town, and you feel instantly connected to the college life. The class size are generally small which allows students the opportunity to get to know their professors well.




The clubs and activities