Northern Arizona University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about NAU is that it isn't very big. Also living in Phoenix all my life it is nice to come to a school that has a bit of a climate change. I also like how the campus is not to big and is easy to find your classes.


I love how NAU has such a laid back and relaxed atmosphere. I am not too keen on the big city setting that many univeristies boast about. I like the small town feel that Flagstaff offers. So far I love the people I have met here as well as the classes I have taken.


The small class sizes, available and very friendly professors, and the on campus religious community.


the school's resources for students. the computer labs, tutoring, library, and the student body make it very easy to be a successful student at NAU


What i consider the best thing about this school is that you would never get bored. There is so much to do here, you have hiking, bike riding, horse riding, you have the creek and Sedona just an hour away from Flagstaff. It's a growing city and you have a diverse group of people, you'll never feel left out. The programs they have are wonderful and we have an amzing basketball team, football team, ROTC(Army, Air Force), Rugby, Intramurals, snow, atv activities like 20 minutes away. We have everything!


the best thing about my school is how everyone is so friendly especially the staff. the proffesors really want their students to learn and do well. they will do everything in order to see you succeed. the professors really care about you and there are so many resources that are available to help you succeed as well.


I love the small size of the school and of the classes, which makes it a lot easier to get help from the teachers when you need it. They try to be available as much as they can, and get to know you on a one on one basis. I also really enjoy the weather because there is actually four seasons.


The atmosphere is amazing, and the weather is very relaxing and there are many people here who are very kind.


The small class size and beautiful environment are probably what I love best about this school. The small class size is essential for better teacher student relationships, and the peaceful, beautiful environment allows for peace and rest of mind.


I believe the diverse population and the outdoor activities are the best things about my school. Becuase both of these attributes help well with the learning experience.