Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

Describe the students at Northern Kentucky University.


My classmates are hard working, fun people.


Quiet. Most of them are just there, they do not ask questions they just listen and leave.


My classmates are friendly and accepting because the ones I have all had the chance to interact with has offered to help me out and took the time to get to know me.


My classmates are very talented and unique.


My classmates are understanding, caring and for the most part hard working.


My classmates are very diverse.


Challenges and explorations are waiting on you! Northern Kentucky University is waiting on you to motivate and blaze trails for future leader. Northern Kentucky is a place where you can find the advocate inside of you. The educational experiences are comparing to ivy lead school.


They are nice and are very willing to help.


My classmates are hard working, intelligent, motivated, and persistent; rarely skipping class and being active members in group assignments.


Most of my classmates are friendly and share the same interests as me, especially now that I am taking classes that pertain to my major.