Northern Kentucky University Top Questions

Describe the students at Northern Kentucky University.


In Northern Kentucky i have a small class usually of 20-30 students, male and female under the age of nineteen and everyone seems very focused on their individual eduacation.


some are open to learning and are serious about it, while others think they are entilited to get the best result for lowest amount of work effort put forth


Eager and focused


My classmates are some of the best out there and are like no one else in the fact that they bring so many different qualities to NKU.


The majority of my classmates are hardworking and dedicated, but then there are some that get lost in the college experience and do not know how to balance the work load. I believe I have become very good and organzing my time and getting my work done in an orderly fashion. Most of my classmates are just like me and we all support each other within our academics.


Really friendly and love to hang out with you . And if your going through something in your life they will help you through it no matter what.


They are generally hard-workers who have a lot going on in their lives apart from school.


NKU students are very friendley and involved in campus life.


Most of my classmates really do not talk to me unless we are doing group work.


The words diverse and sociable, describes them all.