Northwestern University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Northwestern University!


There's so many resources and things for you, no reason not to do anything. Provides oppurtunity that allows a great memorable college experience. People are also really helpful including the upperclassman, the professors everyone in general.


I love Northwestern. I truly hate some aspects of it (administration, certain classes) but I love the people.




The food is pretty bad in all the dining halls. Meals at dining halls are separate from the slightly better food that can be bought at the student center, which means that the money you pay for one can't be converted into the other. Students end up paying more if they want both. While the food in fraternities and sororities is a little better, it doesn't offer as many options as the food in the dining halls or student center does. At least Evanston has great restaurants, though going to them means you'll be paying more!


I'm going to be sad to leave for summer. I love it here!


If I was trying to design an ideal university, I would design something along the lines of Northwestern--except with warmer weather... So I guess maybe I'd design Stanford. NU has Ivy-caliber academics, and a student body that's more laid-back than its closest-comparatives back East. Socially, it features something for everyone--from drunken frat boys to bookish Asian lesbians. I'm truly thankful that I graduated from NU--the name alone has opened professional doors for me, and I had an incredible time, both intellectually and experientially, at Northwestern.


NU is really an amazing school academically. There is so much to learn and explore. By getting to know my teachers and T.A.s I have been given two AMAZING opportunities already this year that I would never have gotten from the school that I transfered from. However, the social scene is lame and I find the majority of people to be uptight bookworms which is unacceptable for an artistic social butterfly like myself. Also, the community is accepting of different races, religions, whatever, but its not very integrated, and if you have different/wild tastes/likes/activities/opinions than everyone else consider yourself a weirdo because everyone else here will. If you like to be by yourself with your books and maybe go to a disgustingly dirty frat party once a month to drink keg beer, but would still prefer to study all night, then NU's the place for you.


Lots of cute girls, not as many cute guys. If you live on north campus, there is more of a party school feel because it's right by the frats. If you live on south campus, there is more of a theater-y feel and it's a lot more chill.


Everything about northwestern is intense. The academics, the social activities, the students, and the partying. Like the campus is divided into North and South, the social scene is pretty much go greek or go gay.


think i hit everything already. i love northwestern.