Northwestern University Top Questions

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Northwestern's campus is linear and runs from North to South along the lake. North campus, because it includes the fraternities where a lot of parties occur, is known for being more attractive to students who want to go out. Bobb-McCulloch is definitely the "party" dorm. Elder is also a good place for freshman who are looking to meet people who want to go out and have fun but are still new and a little timid. As a freshman, I would say that living on North campus has made nights and weekends at Northwestern much easier as a lot of the parties Freshman attend are at the fraternities. However, I have many friend who live in south campus dorms that still make it up to the fraternities very often and have very successful social lives.


Northwestern is not a love fest. OK Go! came, and the lead singer asked if NU was a place for lovers--the entire audience screamed out, "NO!" And it's not. People get drunk and have random hook-ups a lot, but very few people date seriously. Maybe it is a Midwest thing, but the atmosphere around NU is tepid at best, although usually friendly.


John Lavine is the worst thing to ever come to the Medill School of Journalism.


Northwestern is about a hundred times cooler than its stereotype lets on. This is a school for fun, social kids who just happen to all be very smart.