Talk to the students of whatever institution you are considering. College students wiil be honest with you about their school, either they enjoy it or they do not for their various reasons.
Look for schools that have a good reputation in areas that you find important. If you enjoy sports, go to a college with a good sports program. If you want to be a doctor find a school with a prestigous medical program. College is what you make it. You can find anything at any school. If you want to party all night, you'll find it. If you want to learn and achieve that will be there too. It's up to each individual to make choices that will lead them to what they want to become. Choose your friends wisely, and always be conscience of your surroundings. Dont just follow the crowd and always be an individual. This is a time to grow mentally and emotionally. Always remember that it's ok to make mistakes, as long as you learned from them, and will continue to further yourself as a student, and as a person.
I would suggest doing "research" on a possible school before even applying based on the student's likes, needs, interests, and the school's overall success rate, especially in the area in which the student is interested in studying. I would also advise prospective students and parents to visit as many schools as possible to get a real feel of what campus life would be like at any particular institution.
Make sure that the school that you as the student picks is the right choice for you. Parents always support the decisions that your son/ daughter chooses because what you believe and feel does matter to your child even if you don't think so. Also make sure that plans to pay for college are already looked into before the students starts that first year of college. The student should always explore all of the options for getting assitance with paying for school and the parents should always be willing to help as well.
Pick somewhere that the student will be comfortable, but also education-first oriented. You don't want to waste your money, or someone else's for that matter.
Please search for and utilize all the scholarship awards and grants you can and do not wait until the last minute to get the financial aspect of school taken care of. It is one of the most important things to take care of.
Choose a school that not only suits you mentally, but challenges you physically as well. You need a school that is more than just educational. You need a place where you can have places to go to get away, relax, and enjoyable. Don't choose to go somewhere because of tradition. Choose somewhere that you can appreciate, and a place that will keep you coming back year after year.
I say let the student decide. Period. As parents you should be supportive and only make suggestions. Allow your child to visit the campus and really get as much foreknowledge as they possibly can, so that the can make an educated decision.
I would advise all students to first be honest with yourself. When it comes to finding the right college or university, you want the school that will cater most to who you are, where you are going, and what you want to be in life. It all starts with you. Any future college or university student should have an idea of who they are as a person. This includes the things you like to do, the people you would like to meet, what you like to do for fun, how you relax, and even the subject you would most like to study. Once you know these things you can begin looking for a school that would best fit you and your personally. Make sure to choose schools that have the major you would like to study first. Then think about things such as the size of the school, the location of the school, the campus' cutural diveristy, the accredidation of the school and the percentage of students that succeed after graduation. Think about the school's social life versus its academic life, and where the students stand when it comes to their education. Finally, before you decide, visit the school.
Experience is what you make it. Get involved, work hard, and stay focused.