Ohio State University-Lima Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ohio State University-Lima Campus know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not procrastinate or shrug off opportunities to fill out scholarships. I would tell myself to not give up on my dreams because I thought I could not achieve them. I would also tell myself that I would not be able to go to my dream college my freshman year, but to start filling out scholarships now because with hard work, we can achieve success. Lastly, while making my college transition, I would tell myself to not be afraid to get involved in new activities, to meet new people, and enjoy the life we have been given.


Don't burn yourself out by taking an overwhelming amount of credits when you first start out. Keep motivated and be sure to stay on top of an organized study program. Make sure you are sure you know what you want to major in and what classes the school is requiring. Is your major impacted or not. Have a plan, realistic goals, and dont let anybody stop you because its all worth it in the end.


If I were a high school senior again, the advice I would give myself is be ready to take college serious and fill out as many scholarships as possible because you will need them in the near future. I would also say that no matter what college is no joke and make the right decisions.


I attended college classes as a senior to give myself a head start. Although, if I could I would tell myself to take even more college classes. I was worried about getting behind in both high school and college if I took on too much work, but I now know that I could have easily handled the course work and would be even more ahead today. I would also encourage myself to look into all my college options and apply for as many scholarships as possibe.


If I could go back and give myself advice about what I know now, I would make sure to tell myself not to take anything for granted. College life is a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore who you are and who you want to become. It is about learning new things and seeing opportunities in a different light. College is a time to make decisions that will last a lifetime and not be wasteful. I would also tell myself to relax, enjoy, and have a great time, again!


College and high school have so many different aspects. In high school, a student who is smart can just kind of float by, not have to do a lot of work, and still excel. In college, this is not the case. A student who wants to excel, must assert themselves in study time, note taking in classes, and the knowledge of each professor's requirements. There is no black and white guidelines for every class. Each professor has his own preferences, and you must learn them, along with maintaining a level of studiousness. Learn all that you can in high school, because once you get to college you wish you remembered more.


In my time at my college, I have been able to open up and become more sociable. This was only possible to happen because of all of the friendly people who attend the college. They are eager to embrace people into their groups as long as the people are open to new ideas and bring their own opinions to the discussions. I have also learned quite a bit while I have been here. I have never been very good when it comes to English classes. I have always been at odds with my teachers in that subject. However, I had the pleasure of having a professor who broke down the conventions of writing as they were taught to me in highschool and reforming me into what I believe to be a more accomplished writer. My experiences with classical Greece and Rome has led me to pursue Classics as my minor. My father is an artist, but I didn't really inherit any of his abilities. However, I got involved with the theater department on campus and had some very pleasurable times there. Overall, I believe that this is an amazing campus.


I have gained knowledge in all aspects of life through my college experience. My professors have opened my eyes to the world of business. When I first started college I had no clue what I wanted to do, but now I know that I want a business degree. Apart from academics I have also gained leadership and communication skills. I am able to speek my mind, ask questions, give presentations, and meet new people everyday. This will help me most of all in life because they are usful skills to have in your day to day life.


I've gotten a greater sense of discipline from my college experience. I'm more devoted now to everything I do, even if I don't necessarily enjoy it. Because I have to pay my own way through college, my work ethic has gotten stronger and I'm not afraid of tough jobs. I've also become more confident in my own abilities and the fear of failure that often prevented me from doing things like entering art contests and applying for competitive scholarships has been reduced greatly. In college, I've had many great successes and a few glancing failures, and come out a stronger, more dedicated person for it. For me, the greatest lessons so far have not been learned from books or lectures, but from the new responsibilities and obligations I have as a student. I have learned so much more about myself, where I'm at now, where I want to be in the future, and how to get there. But the most valuable thing I've learned is not to be afraid of failing. Because my only true failure is when I fail to try.


I have learned more during my college experience than I ever could have imagined. Being the first of my family to go to college and a single mother my college has gave me confidence, self worth and an overall excitement of the future that I am creating for me and my children. Before I started college I felt that I was basically worthless living day to day in dead beat jobs and never getting out of the slump of poverty. That first day I stepped on to my campus I was welcomed by all these wonderful people here to show me this place of excitement and education. This being the beginning of my second year I push forward to my goal of one day becoming the brain surgeon that interests me so much. I will not turn back and I hope this experience will encourage my children later on in life to pursue their own goals as I am now.